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  1. Record running queries at the time of a failover

    I recently observed some failovers in a replica set that may have been related to long-running queries. However, since these queries happened only sporadically, it was hard to track them down. Since the queries didn't finish, they weren't present in the logs at the time of the crash.

    It would be useful if it could be possible to somehow capture the long-running queries that were running at the time that something went wrong. I recognize that this is potentially impossible, since once something has gone wrong it can be difficult to do anything.

    We ended up being able to diagnose…

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  2. Create and use db links in Mongodb

    Allow Mongodb to access an external database for: identifiers on an external rdbms (ex: postgres, sqls, oracle, ...)
    2.use these identifiers to perform aggregations in Mongodb

    Currently, it is necessary to use a third-party tool that connects to several data sources to perform these actions.
    The idea is to be able to perform these "joins" only in Mongodb CLI.


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  3. Document known breaking change in JavaScript Engine

    If a new version of MongoDB will include a new version of MozJS (ex and this version will break any existing scripts it would be ideal if this was documented.

    For example, with MongoDB 4.2 "value".contains() no longer worked in scripts and had to be converted to "value".includes()

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  4. VPC between ATLAS/MongoDB/AWS and Heroku/AWS

    Would be a great great feature if we can create a VPC between ATLAS/MongoDB/AWS and Heroku/AWS.
    Adailton Silva

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  5. Add option to repair a single collection

    Add support for repairing a single collection instead of what is currently available to repair an entire database via db.repairDatabase()

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  6. Aggregate $accumulator 'Combine' stage for sharded collections

    After the ‘accumulate’ stage has run against each document on a shard it would be extremely useful to run a script on the shard against the state to reduce the state down to something smaller before passing the final state over the network back to mongos for the ‘merge’. (Over in the Elastic camp they call this the ‘combine_script’).

    I have a customer orders database sharded by the Customer ID (meaning all data relating to any specific customer is kept on the same shard - so customers don’t need to be ‘merged’ between shards). I can write an accumulator…

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  7. Assign MongoDB roles to LDAP users

    I would like to create a softlab and therefore give the possibility to a user to create collections in a database which is dedicated to him.

    Currently, to do that I need to :
    1. create a single-member LDAP group for each user
    2. map this group to a MongoDB role authorizing the user's database.

    Create a group with a single member is conceptually useless. I want to avoid step 1.

    My feature request : add the ability to assign MongoDB roles to LDAP users as well as groups.


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  8. Support for Transaction Savepoints (Nested Transactions)

    The ability to partially rollback transactions to a specified point.

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  9. Allow collection collation to be editable

    Collation of a collection can be set at creation time only. It would be useful to edit these fields to avoid creating an entire new collection and copying the collection over.

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  10. Add Event Stream Features (Apache Kafka, NATS Streaming)

    I thought it would be great if mongodb can support an event streaming(event bus) feature.
    Existing popular event streaming services(AWS Kinesis, NATS Streaming, Apache Kafka) can persist data which is somewhat like a database.

    Its great for debugging, data logging for later uses such as machine learning. Since I can see the full flow of the data and its changes.

    But there are two downside with most even streaming services.
    1. Its very difficult to query the data.
    2. "Eventual Consistency" issue when dealing programmatic errors(bugs). Most event streams have this nice feature, which keeps sending the same event to…

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  11. Performance problem with compound index using doubles, with range filtering

    It looks like there may be a problem when using doubles in a compound index and using range-test filters against all of them in a query.
    The problem we see from the explain plans is that far more keys are being examined that there should be and this leads to poor performance.
    If we switch to using a similar setup but with integers instead, we don’t see the problem.

    See the second part of this ticket for full details

    We have a document that looks like this –

    "id" : ObjectId("5e2ab24eca314f10b486d827"),
    "attributes" : [
    "attributeCode" :

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  12. Too many keys in 2dsphere index when used on geoJson within arrays

    Mongo support have asked me to raise this bug as an improvement idea because they see it as an edge case.
    The issue is here and includes more details:

    In summary, if you have a geoJson sub document that sits within an array, and you index it using the 2dspehere index, you get keys duplicated for every element in the array.

    For example, if you have geoJson that represents a big 4,500 vertex polygon, and you put it within an array element, if the array has only one element I see 20 keys generated, which is good. But if…

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  13. Making Elections Faster.

    Election is an expensive operation. We can avoid the elections if we can enforce some priority-based ordering on who shall become primary if the current primary fails.
    Specifically, we can keep a node with second highest priority in the data center of the most preferred primary. Usually, the network failures within the data centers are less probable than across the data centers. So, it is reasonable to believe that if the second preferred member loses the contact with current primary, it is the primary node which has failed and not the network. As a supplement, we can also have redundant…

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  14. deleteMany() execution automatically disable the balancer on sharded clusters

    deleteMany() execution automatically disable the balancer on sharded clusters

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  15. Execute $group on shardPart instead of mergerPart

    Basically what is described here:

    When running covered count queries that could be aggregated independently on the shards, there is still a lot of overhead due to the fact that shards have to report documents with _id to mongos

    It looks like this is happening for count queries that use $limit stage, but not for count queries without it

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  16. Support for proxy protocol on mongod


    I have mongodb database server running as a container on kubernetes and i have istio as ingress, but i need proxy protocol in order to preserve source ip, because without proxy protocol the client ip that arrives in mongodb server is the ip from the istio ingress gateway.

    I know mongos already supports it for sharded clusters, but would be very helpfully if mongod could support proxy protocol as well.

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  17. Option Renaming Time Series Collections

    Ability to rename TS collection . We need it for migration history data to TS without downtime during conversion.

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  18. Support retrieving all connections info from clients to mongodb

    Support retrieving all connections info from clients to mongodb, not just those running commands returned by currentOp(). OS command netstat can return all ip info, but it does not contain the relation ino between ip and database such database name and user. It's a common function in relation database, e.g. 'show processlist' command in mysql. And it's useful when we try to migrate to a new MongoDB cluster, we need to find out all the clients connected to the original mongodb.

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  19. Add support for all type of joins like Postgres has and improve performance

    $lookup is a performance killer. Joins are crucial parts in every OLTP system. $lookup is the equivalent to join in SQL, however $lookup is slow, doesn't support hash joins or other efficient join algorithm implemented in Postgres for example.

    Seems that if mongo won't add support, their DB puts behind Postgres.

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  20. Multiple unique single indexes in sharded collections

    MongoDB sharded collection can only have one unique index which is the shard key. However, in real applications, one might need more than one single unique index. "Proxy" collections suggested in has 3 issues:

    1. The most important one is that it does not enforce a one-to-one relationship between the main document and the proxy document. So if I follow the example in the link, two different emails can have the same parentid. You can add a unique single index on parentid but that will not work if the proxy collection is sharded.

    2. If I want to add…

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