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12 results found

  1. Change streams and Triggers for Time Series Collections

    Add Change streams and Trigger capabilities to Time Series Collections.
    Current Limitations don't allow this.

    23 votes
    planned  ·  4 comments  ·  Change Streams  ·  Admin →
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  2. Get metadata about source client connection that submitted a given change

    Currently with change streams it is impossible to know who or what connection initiated the changes.

    It would be a good feature to have to be able to receive some data about the source client connection that initiated a change.

    My particular use case is the following:

    I have an app that connects to Atlas. (source client connection)
    I can subscribe to change streams and then execute some logic when it applies.

    That app can scale to multiple instances.
    Each instance subscribes to the change streams.
    But I only want each instance to execute the logic that applies to only…

    5 votes
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  3. Include schema validation events in changestream payload

    let's say my document has JSON schema validation like:

      $jsonSchema: {
        properties: {
          phone: {
            bsonType: 'string'

    and the validation action is set to "warning", if I do a command like: db.test.insert({"phone":1}), I would like the warning message to be included in my change stream.

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  4. Low latency Change Stream for Global Cluster in Atlas

    our event-driven applications need to publish events to Kafka triggered by Change Stream feature. It works perfect in replicaset MongoDB cluster.

    However, after migrating to Global Cluster in Atlas, the Change Stream cannot keep low latency because of ordering reason among shards.
    The latency may go up to 20 seconds when for a single change event.

    It would be nice if application can receive Change Stream from the single shard only (not care about ordering among shards) to prevent latency.

    The idea is to pass "location" options when starting the Change Stream cursor.

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  5. Improve Changestream metadata by including userId(who), action/intent (event name).

    This can be done by including meta data in the options for C(R)UD operations!
    Something like: User.updateOne({ _id }, { $set: { name: "newName" } }, { $meta: { userId: _id, action: "nameUpdated" })

    This is super useful because now changestream can be used to create event store or audit logs, out of the box. I just have to store all the changestream events from the relevant collections. This also makes event driven architecture in micro services super useful. Developers can use this to publish events directly to a message broker such as kafka, where action would be equivalent to…

    2 votes
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  6. Capture pre-images for ONLY specified change events

    Currently, pre-images are captured for all updates, replacements and deletes on a given collection.

    Ask: Enable capture of pre-images for ['DELETED', ...] documents only.

    Context: A customer uses a collection for ingestion, where 16-20M documents are ingested every 20 minutes. Documents are indexed with Elastic Search upon insertion, and are removed from Elastic Search upon deletion. However, the ingestion process requires subsequent operations: an average of 30 updates are made on each document, and the customer doesn't want to pay the penalty of generating pre- and post-images on updates.

    Impact: Updating a collection of 80GB (20M docs of 4kb each) 30…

    1 vote
    2 comments  ·  Change Streams  ·  Admin →
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  7. Query comment or metadata in change stream event

    Our application is using change stream events to publish changes as kafka events for our customers. Sometimes we are in need to decide if an event should be send by kafka or not. Right at the moment the only way would be to decide based on additional fields on our document.

    It would be nice if there is an opportunity to include query comments to change stream events or some kind of meta data to get some info about the origin of the operation. This would be useful, to decide without any need to add additional fields to our data…

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Change Streams  ·  Admin →
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  8. 1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Change Streams  ·  Admin →
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  9. Change stream Monitoring/Aletring in management

    how to monitor change stream activity per namespace
    1. Number of Change streams per namespace
    2. Set + Manage the allowed number of change streams
    3. A metrics UI tab for OpsManager.
    4. Alert if the number of change streams exceeds the set limit.

    This will assist in managing the cluster and also avoiding any issue that may arise from highly demanding change streams that take up RAM and compute.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Change Streams  ·  Admin →
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  10. Support change streams without service discovery

    Currently, change streams are not supported in standalone instances, so testing change stream functionality requires a one-node replica set. However, promoting a standalone node to a one-node replica set requires a call to rs.initiate(config), which requires host and port information so that clients can connect; something that is not required for standalone nodes. This means change stream support is conflated with service discovery. It becomes impossible, for example, to create a docker image that boots as a single-node replica set, while it's trivial to make a docker image that boots as a standalone server.

    Various ideas that would make…

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Change Streams  ·  Admin →
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  11. add view,index,user,role to mongodb Change Stream

    I tested the changeStream of mongodb. The changes of adding view, index, user and role to mongodb are not reflected in changeStream, but the corresponding log can be found in oplog. I have an issue on and got it confirmed, but Chris Kelly thinks this should be a feature. Hopes to add this feature in future versions

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  12. Ability to create the resume token based on oplog item

    CHoose an oplog event to set the resume token for, instead of needing to run the change stream for system to create a resume token

    Why: Concerns about many stream re-reading a full oplog if failure before finding first event

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