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  1. Easy Paging with offset

    Paging is a common functionality for REST APIs. When implementing paging queries for large datasets skip and limit is often not an option. When using query filters with non unique fields, such as creation date there can be problems such as duplicate entities on subsequent pages. It would be great to be able to additionaly pass in an offset document reference, that would be used as a start in case the filter does not lead to a unique starting point.

    so for example
    db.test.find({"creationDate" : {$gte:ISODate('2021-08-27T07:25:00Z')}, {"offset":<ObjectId>).sort({"creationDate":1}).limit(20)

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  2. support $lookup for update aggregation

    We frequently denormalise either full documents or subsets to different documents in order to speed up reading, create indexes or paginate/sort on fields.

    Consider a user collection and a task collection, if a task can be assigned to the user, it makes sense to just put the user document on the task they are assigned. But an update to a user now requires you to update the user both in the user collection and all tasks with that user in the tasks collection.

    This can be achieved but does introduce some complexity, however the introduction of updates using aggregation pipelines…

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  3. Add a $median accumulator

    There is the $avg operator that returns the average of a set of values. Why not a $median?

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  4. Support for MongoDB Server on Ubuntu 21.04.

    Per the MongoDB Server Supported Platforms Matrix support for Ubuntu 21.04 is not yet available.
    We would like to see the currently supported MongoDB Server versions available on the Ubuntu 21.04 LTS distribution which was released on 22 April 2021

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  5. Provide a KRB5_KTNAME setParameter or other config setting

    The Kerberos keytab file is specified in the KRB5_KTNAME environment variable.

    Could a setParameter or other config file setting "krb5KtName" be provided to allow this to be set?

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  6. Update to two binding accounts in the config file for LDAP.

    Please refer the Case: 00803199

    We need to update to two binding accounts in the config file to for LDAP authentication so that we can avoid down time while resetting the binding account password.

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  7. x509 authentication with other certificate's components than (O,OU,DC)

    In some entities (e.g. ours), the O, OU, DC triplet is not detailled enough or not appropriate, which makes it impossible to authenticate through x509.

    For exemple, in our entity, the O and OU are the same for all certificates (because all servers are in the same Organisation Unit), and the DC field is not used. We do use other fields though.
    Because of that, we can't use the x509 authentication feature, although it is strongly asked for by the security Team.

    Would it be possible to enhance the x509 authentication mechanism to allow more flexibility for the authentication's fields?

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  8. Higher IOPS for small disk sizes (MongoDB Atlas on Azure)

    AWS and GCP start with 2300-3000 IOPS for M10+ instance from the smallest disk size (8Gb), whereas on Azure we get 120 IOPS with 8Gb, 240 with 64Gb, 500 IOPS with 128Gb ... nowhere near to what AWS/GCP offer (120 - 500 IOPS for a database server is nothing!).

    So if I take a bigger storage (512Gb for 2300 IOPS) to be on par with AWS/GCP then there is a dramatic price difference of your MongoDB Atlas offering for Azure compared to AWS/GCP - it gets 2 times more expensive!

    I understand that there is a dependency on the…

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  9. Provide global collection-aggregated latency stats

    The global latency stats Server Status section currently aggregates all the latency information known to the server.

    We have a need for the same information except aggregated by collection.

    The actual command: db.serverStatus().opLatencies.

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  10. $lookup with the option to return only the first element

    Often I have a $lookup and the next stage is a $addFields { $first: "" }} because I know the lookup will return only one entry. It'd be nice to have this option directly in the lookup, so it'd return the first object instead of an array. Thanks!

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  11. Ability to replicate the data within a cluster to another cluster

    Two different scenarios. One scenario is to have a DR cluster. 2 independant clusters that are one way synced. As of right now, a custom CDC solution (custom code + Kafka) is needed to achieve this.
    Another is because of latency and the requirement for data to be stored in 2 different data center, 2 indepentant mongoDB clusters that are two way synced. As of right now, a custom CDC solution (custom code + Kafka) is needed to achieve this.

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  12. When using EA, auto update the list of cluster node members similar to what happens within Atlas

    As we add new nodes, it requires us to update the URI. Would like a way to have this automatically update.

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  13. Would like the ability to restore a single zone based shard

    If the idea that data is stored within a region (via zone based sharding) and they are "just" replica sets, why can't we just restore a single shard? Right now we have to restore the entire cluster.

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  14. Record running queries at the time of a failover

    I recently observed some failovers in a replica set that may have been related to long-running queries. However, since these queries happened only sporadically, it was hard to track them down. Since the queries didn't finish, they weren't present in the logs at the time of the crash.

    It would be useful if it could be possible to somehow capture the long-running queries that were running at the time that something went wrong. I recognize that this is potentially impossible, since once something has gone wrong it can be difficult to do anything.

    We ended up being able to diagnose…

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  15. Identification of unused/less used collections

    As a DBA I'd like to identify unused collections so that I can remove them to optimize performance.
    As of now there doesn’t seem to be a direct way. One option could be to settup auditing or using logging (e.g. set the slow op timer to 0 so we log everything).
    An other might be to use the collstats command and frequently traverse all collections..

    I'd be happy to get a direct method to show me unused resp. last usage of a collection. Based on DB level or even over all DBs.

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  16. Create and use db links in Mongodb

    Allow Mongodb to access an external database for: identifiers on an external rdbms (ex: postgres, sqls, oracle, ...)
    2.use these identifiers to perform aggregations in Mongodb

    Currently, it is necessary to use a third-party tool that connects to several data sources to perform these actions.
    The idea is to be able to perform these "joins" only in Mongodb CLI.


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  17. NoTableScan at the collection level

    NoTableScan at the collection level instead of mongod level.

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  18. Add build for Linux Alpine and Debian

    A build in ARM support (Apple M1) for Alpine Linux (or Debian) is needed to run the mongocryptd process. Currently the official node docker images are available only in Alpine and Debian.

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  19. delete logs number of days old

    In the options for Mongo DB Log Settings, there is only
    Max Percent of Disk
    Total Number of files

    A new option for
    Number of Days to keep

    Would be useful

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  20. Add expression indexes

    An expression index is one where the value being indexed is the result of an expression, like lower casing a string.

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