Higher IOPS for small disk sizes (MongoDB Atlas on Azure)
AWS and GCP start with 2300-3000 IOPS for M10+ instance from the smallest disk size (8Gb), whereas on Azure we get 120 IOPS with 8Gb, 240 with 64Gb, 500 IOPS with 128Gb ... nowhere near to what AWS/GCP offer (120 - 500 IOPS for a database server is nothing!).
So if I take a bigger storage (512Gb for 2300 IOPS) to be on par with AWS/GCP then there is a dramatic price difference of your MongoDB Atlas offering for Azure compared to AWS/GCP - it gets 2 times more expensive!
I understand that there is a dependency on the cloud provider, however I am sure you have your direct channels to Microsoft ...

Mauricio commented
I have the same situation here...
32GB cluster, but I need 500 IOPS... The solution? Use 128GB disks.
Really not acceptable...
Also, I am about to reach above 500 IOPS... I will have to also upgrade the cluster tier. This is already too expensive and will get even more. -
Deyan commented
Correction - it gets **more than** 2 times more expensive, as I cannot have 512Gb on M20 but need to upgrade also the instance type to M30 ... so currently MongoDB on Azure is at a huge disadvantage ...