310 results found
Collection Comments
I would like the ability to attach comments to a collection so that other people using the data can get some understand of context or important Readme/FAQ that I would need to share.
5 votes -
Include the _ids of existing documents in BulkWriteResult when performing upserts
When performing a bulk operation, it is possible to obtain the _ids of upserted documents via BulkWriteResult. For example:
var bulk = db.test.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
bulk.find({name: "huey"}).upsert().updateOne({name: "huey"});
```The BulkWriteResult contains the upserted _id:
"writeErrors" : [ ],
"writeConcernErrors" : [ ],
"nInserted" : 0,
"nUpserted" : 1,
"nMatched" : 0,
"nModified" : 0,
"nRemoved" : 0,
"upserted" : [
"index" : 0,
"_id" : ObjectId("5ec77b5cc4a955ce03a4cd2e")
})However, when a document already exist, the _id is not returned:
var bulk = db.test.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
bulk.find({name: "huey"}).upsert().updateOne({name: "huey", outfit: "red"});
bulk.find({name: "luey"}).upsert().updateOne({name: "luey", outfit:…5 votes -
Validation for referential integrity
Currently, with the JSON Schema validation, we are able to limit the values for a field using enumerations. However, we need to have a way to limit the values to those entered in another collection.
3 votes -
Additional checks for storage consistency
The following opt-in features would add additional check to check for storage layer corruptions of collections.
- Upon write read what data was committed to disk.
- Periodic or scheduled scanning of a collection. Similar to collection.validate but non blocking.
10 votes -
Automatic Indexes
MongoDB can already suggest useful indexes. Why not take the next step and allow MongoDB to autonomously create and manage indexes. Ideally it will automatically maintain the indexes over time as the structure and usage of the database changes.
3 votes -
Allow collection collation to be editable
Collation of a collection can be set at creation time only. It would be useful to edit these fields to avoid creating an entire new collection and copying the collection over.
2 votes -
Conditional TTL index
In case of auto purging sometimes user might want to ensure data has been archived before purging. If conditional TTL was allowed user could set value of a field to indicate document has been archived and then db can purge accordingly.
1 vote -
collections under a document as in firebase firestore
collections under a document as in firebase firestore
1 vote -
Allow parallel migrations to be throttled
This request is for a tuneable parameter to allow the number of parallel chunk migrations to be limited.
1 vote -
Improve the election process to consider node reachability
Consider both new and existing sockets to be utilized in order to make more realistic observations about cluster health during an election to avoid for example DNS related issues which would make a node unreachable for new connections.
4 votes -
Upgrade Advisor
Similar to Microsoft's SQL Server Upgrade Advisor application, generate a report (from Ops Manager for example) identifying issues to fix before or after an upgrade from one major version to another.
4 votes -
Add Event Stream Features (Apache Kafka, NATS Streaming)
I thought it would be great if mongodb can support an event streaming(event bus) feature.
Existing popular event streaming services(AWS Kinesis, NATS Streaming, Apache Kafka) can persist data which is somewhat like a database.Its great for debugging, data logging for later uses such as machine learning. Since I can see the full flow of the data and its changes.
But there are two downside with most even streaming services.
1. Its very difficult to query the data.
2. "Eventual Consistency" issue when dealing programmatic errors(bugs). Most event streams have this nice feature, which keeps sending the same event to…2 votes -
TTL expiration on embedded subdocs
TTL expiration on an embedded subdoc will delete the parent/root doc.
Provide an option to only delete the subdocument on expiration.
1 vote -
Performance problem with compound index using doubles, with range filtering
It looks like there may be a problem when using doubles in a compound index and using range-test filters against all of them in a query.
The problem we see from the explain plans is that far more keys are being examined that there should be and this leads to poor performance.
If we switch to using a similar setup but with integers instead, we don’t see the problem.See the second part of this ticket for full details
We have a document that looks like this –
"id" : ObjectId("5e2ab24eca314f10b486d827"),
"attributes" : [
"attributeCode" :…2 votes -
Too many keys in 2dsphere index when used on geoJson within arrays
Mongo support have asked me to raise this bug as an improvement idea because they see it as an edge case.
The issue is here and includes more details:
In summary, if you have a geoJson sub document that sits within an array, and you index it using the 2dspehere index, you get keys duplicated for every element in the array.
For example, if you have geoJson that represents a big 4,500 vertex polygon, and you put it within an array element, if the array has only one element I see 20 keys generated, which is good. But if…
2 votes -
Ability to view and track collection wise transactions (read,write,success,failures)
We have multiple microservices using the same collection and we'd like to track how many calls come from each, and also understand which transactions are successful or not.
Ultimately this will allow us to understand the MDB usage by each of the microservices.
[setting verbose logging level to 1 and then using these logs to create a dashboard in Splunk doesn't give us enough granularity]1 vote -
Making Elections Faster.
Election is an expensive operation. We can avoid the elections if we can enforce some priority-based ordering on who shall become primary if the current primary fails.
Specifically, we can keep a node with second highest priority in the data center of the most preferred primary. Usually, the network failures within the data centers are less probable than across the data centers. So, it is reasonable to believe that if the second preferred member loses the contact with current primary, it is the primary node which has failed and not the network. As a supplement, we can also have redundant…2 votes -
Find all geoJSON points within a large collection of polygons. Reference collection in geoWithin.
I would like to be able to find all geoJSON points located within a collection of polygons. My personal goal is to find points located within earth's water bodies. The water bodies are located in their own collection while the geoJSON points are located in a separate collection within the same DB. Mongo's geoWithin function only lets me hard code the polygons, but I would like to reference a collection of polygons.
1 vote -
Ability to see historical `serverStatus.uptime` counter info on MongoDB Server process
What is the problem that needs to be solved? Store (historically)
counter info on MongoDB Server process, so that it will be possible to trackserverStatus.uptime
changes through the time.Why is it a problem? (the pain) As of now (2020-02-25) there's no way to see historical info of MongoDB Server process restarts since
counter is restarted every time MongoDB Server process is restarted. There's no other way (other than going into MongoDB Server process logs) to know if the process was restarted and when it was restarted. If you'd like to calculate MongoDB Server process availability, you'll…5 votes -
MongoDB 4.2 Distributed Transaction with Arbiter
We are preparing to introduce MongoDB 4.2 and expect distributed transaction function.I read document which arbiter don't be member when use distributed transaction.
PSA can do that, but it's weird that it doesn't even work out to PSSA.
It usually operates as a PSS from an operating point of view, but can temporarily become a PSA in the event of equipment problems.
Why should there be no Arbiter in the Shard to use Distributed Transaction?
I can not understand restriction.Can you tell me technical reason for not being able to support Distributed Transaction with Arbiter?
Do…4 votes
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