Allow a single timestamp field to be split by Year Month Day and Hour for folders instead of just one field like Year in filepath for Azure
I checked internally, and it has been confirmed that an attribute can only appear once in a template. If Atlas Data Federation (ADF) has a template like the one you are using, it wouldn't know what value to assign to StatusDatetime because it's being assigned multiple values. Unfortunately, ADF doesn't support defining a single field value across multiple segments of the path. Instead, each of those segments should be different attributes.
"path": "/HistoryCollection/{StatusDatetime isodate:Year}/StatusDatetime isodate:Month}/StatusDatetime isodate:Day}/StatusDatetime isodate:Hour}/{RecordSource string}/{Status string}/*",
"storeName": "sampledatabase"
We would like to have the store we are creating as an archive be queried by StatusDatetime RecordSource and Status so it matches the queries we use against the live collections under Federation instead of extracting the Year Month Day and Hour fields which don't exist in the live collection.