Allow to process totals
Allow the charts to do calculations on the totals, say we fields: [currentAmount, renewedAmount]
And the chart shows as totals [1000, 800]
Then it should allow to show it as .80 (or 80% with formatting), at least in a Text, Number Chart.
Keep in mind, since so far what I've researched we can only do calculations on each field then it would not be possible to add ratios per document.
AdminTom (Admin, MongoDB) commented
Thanks for the suggestion Gabriel.
Just to make sure I understand the request: currently it is possible to add calculated fields (which can be used for things like ratios), however these fields are calculated per-document. So I think you want something like calculated fields that apply to the encoded/grouped values, for example on the total values from all documents?
That's a fair feature request. If you need this now there is a workaround which is to pre-group the data in a pipeline, e;g:
[ { $group: {
_id: {}, totalCurrent: { $sum: '$currentAmount' },
totalRenewed: { $sum: '$renewedAmount' }
}]...and then you can calculate the ratio using a calculated field, or a separate $set stage in the pipeline.