Ability to add plain text
If you have a huge dashboard with all kind of things, but you want to group them under a title, lets say:
You have 10 charts on left with aggregations from collection A and 10 charts on the right with aggregations from collection B.
You can easy clarify things if you put a plain text above all charts as title.
For example:
[Collection A] <- plain text
All charts from collection A

Ben commented
I'd like to be able to add a simple Textbox into a dashboard, so I can add titles above a group of charts. For example, I have a dashboard of 27 charts. I'd like to separate it into 3 columns with a heading at the top of each column. My columns currently represent '2 Months ago', 'Last Month', and 'This Month'.
I'd like to just be able to put that at the top of each column, so each chart doesn't have to be titled 'Revenue - (Last Month)', 'Revenue - (This Month)', 'Profit (Last Month)
A textbox where I can change Font Size and colour would handle this well. Also, a horizontal rule would be helpful
Kevin commented
There is a workaround for this, but it's very clunky. The idea is to use the query bar so that there is only a single document, with a field that contains the heading or text that you want to display. Then create a "Top Item" chart type, using that field.
1. Pick any Data Source (which has at least 1 document in it).
2. Use a pipeline like this in the Query bar:[
{ $limit: 1 },
{ $project: {
_id: 0,
info: { $literal: "Text you want to display goes in here. This could be short for a heading, or longer for an explanation. Unfortunately newlines/paragraph breaks aren't possible, not any sort of text formatting or markup." },
} },
]3. Choose "Top Item" Chart Type.
4. Use the "info" field for the Sort.
5. Use the "info" field for the Display.
6. Go to Customize -> General -> Label Size, and adjust if desired.
7. Go to Customize -> Fields -> Display -> "info", and override the Label if desired. If you want to get rid of the label, put a single space character.
8. Save and resize the Chart accordingly on your dashboard. -
Kevin commented
Ideally not just plain text, but something more expressive like markdown or similar.