54 results found
Add refresh settings to .charts export
When exporting a Chart (.charts) the refresh settings are not included and thus lost when imported elsewhere.
1 vote -
show percentage in stack bar chart
would be good if we can show percentage as addition label in the stack bar chart instead of creating another percentage stackbar
3 votes -
option for consistent whole number display regardless data in bar chart
Currently in Bar charts if small values result in decimal ticks on the X axis, and larger values adjust the chart accordingly to show whole numbers, it will be not idle when we need to show no. of persons in x axis, which shows decimal values, option for consistent whole number display regardless data will be good
1 vote -
Lookup fields with String and ObjectId on either side
We are evaluating Atlas Charts for our business analytics. Right now it is not possible to create a lookup in the UI from a String to an ObjectId field. Based on this answer ( it is possible by adding a small aggregation stage, but we plan on giving this to team members who do not know how to write aggregation pipelines.
1 vote -
Refresh default to Infinity
New Charts Refresh initially set to 1 hour - but in building phase do NOT want charts to refresh. Default shoul be set to INFINITY, so chart stays static, and let USE CASE determine refresh frequency.
1 vote -
Increse (customizable) query response size limit
Currently each chart time have limit for query response size. For example discrete line chart's limit is 5000 and cannot customize. Chart will show following warning in that case:
This chart may be displaying incomplete data. The maximum query response size of 5000 documents for Discrete Line type charts has been reached.
I think this limit can be increaced for larger nodes especially for analytics nodes since it have enought resource to run the query. Please please make this possible. You need not change default value of limit. Please make us possible to customize the limit for selected charts. I…
2 votes -
2 votes
Please increase maximum query response size for a data table.
Please increase maximum query response size for a data table.
1 vote -
12 column grid for Atlas Charts dashboards
Dashboards have a 10 column grid, which is a really bad choice for layout because it's only divisible by 1, 2 and 5.
Designers have known for years that 12 is a better number because it's divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.
(Hence the imperial system, born of trade, uses base 12)
The impact is that it's impossible to have a dashboard that uses a combination of half- and third-width charts.
Please consider changing to a 12-column system.
2 votes -
Calculated simple expression to support string concat and if else
I was looking for an alternative simpler expression rather than the Mongodb query language for calculated field — similar to what Tableau and Metabase provided. the main goal is to have a more intuitive expression for folks who don't familiar with Mongo query to create their own stuff
example expected expression: is_beta: (if int([Version Minor]) >= 7 then "yes" else "No" end)
3 votes -
Multiple custom tooltip details
while building a chart, like a scatter plot, you can add a tool tip detail to annotate data points with extra information. This is very useful but unfortunately if I want to add multiple fields, I have to use a projection with $concat to combine the fields and this leads to weird wrapping, it would be nice if there was an option to add multiple fields from the source documents as tooltip details
4 votes -
Provide Chart CLI
After exporting Chart, would like to change the new data source with the same collections and a new dynamic dashboardID and import through CLI, this will help for individual Tenant dashboard dynamic creation. We use this dashboardID in our application for visualization
1 vote -
It will be amazing to support programmatically creating/updating/deleting the dashboards and charts, with SDKs and/or Terraform.
6 votes -
Query library import/export
Currently there is no way to manage queries in the query library other than looking at them and deleting them. A way to import & export queries would be great.
2 votes -
Better support for showing Kilobytes/Megabytes as values
I'm trying to plot various storage data metrics from a CI pipeline. This involves plotting quite a lot of values that are stored as "bytes".
There doesn't seem to an easy way to format this data and present it nicely:
- The dropdown of supported types doesn't include this option.
- The Multiplier option for axis comes close, but then causes the ticks in the rendered graph to be weird.
Ideally, the "Convert type" dropdown would support this. Alternatively, making the "Number Converter" better support this would also be an option.
After playing around with it, i discovered that computed fields…
1 vote -
Ability to edit Field names directly in chart creation/ table view instead of going to CUSTOMIZE
Amazed this is already not done. Ability to edit Column/ field names directly in chart creation/ table view instead of going to CUSTOMIZE. This is extremely irritating and I'm surprised it is not already implemented.
3 votes -
Set Maximum with variable on Gauge chart
On Gauge chart we can define a target from a variable. We should be able to set the Maximum with a variable to avoid to set the Maximum static.
2 votes -
Conditional Formatting : set threshold with variables
On charts that support Conditional Formatting support the 'input' to be set with a variable.
1 vote -
2 votes
Import Binning
I have some jobs that I need to rename with binnings. These jobs appear on many graphs, and it would be helpful to be able to import these binnings between graphs or even dashboards.
Thanks for your help!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?