I documents section to have mode to view and edit DbRef content instead of DbRef Objects.
Support Azure Blob Storage in addition to AWS S3 for Online Archive
Using Ops Manager, I want to get an alert when a collection is a certain size or near no storage so that I can do an investigation
Periodic large bulk insert/update all or nothing with instant switchover
New and extended features on Scatterplot · completed
Allow users to download backup snapshots from BYO-KMS encrypted clusters
Copy many documents at once as JSON
Atlas Search equivalent for "should" but ignoring score
Can we support the ability to create sharded collections in Compass?
throttle sessions which use too much resources
Number Formatting · started
API KEY - Restrict by Database
On page search is weird
More Topic Coverage In On-Demand Coursework
Azure Stack Support
Enable index and import export from extension
Replay the point-in-time-restore journal for debug/diagnosis
Binning: Add bin "others" for outliers
Copy/Sync databases
Support MongoDB Charts · completed