readPreference=Secondary for Federated Data Store
I need the Export to Language feature to support query PROJECT, SORT, SKIP, LIMIT and COLLATION options · completed
Data processing in the same cluster region
Allow Ops Manager Data Explorer to read from Secondary nodes
Deploy Atlas Data Lake From Terraform · completed
How to configure an alert to trigger based on a specific query executing longer than, for example, 1 second.
Do not load collection data by default (new setting)
Support Azure Data Federation private endpoint
Write "_SUCCESS" File when finish data exporting
Monitoring for WiredTiger data handles
Separate Data Lake Administrative Permissions into Roles
FTDC (Full-time data capture) Viewer for data from server
Different Security Level to Add Data Sources
Allow $merge aggregation for Charts data sources
Axis data value to display even if I have no data for that point in time · completed
Error while bringing up the data source. · declined
Connect Power BI to Atlas Data Lake · under review
EmptyDir as data-volume and log-volume · under review
Please Support CORS from the Data API · completed
Add import/export data button on web