Easy Paging with offset
highlight vs filter option for dashboard filters
Option to always show the Project, Sort and Collation options
bad experience
Add eu-north-1 as a option for AWS hosting
restrict export access
Injection Attack Documentation
Return count of inserted/updated records for BulkWrite and collection.insertMany( with duplicates)
Support hex conversion and binary operators in aggregation framework
Support indexes on single array elements (e.g. "MyArray.0")
Add support for XML
Properly Formatted Prometheus Integration (mongodb_ metrics)
More granular results in Activity Feed
More Topic Coverage In On-Demand Coursework
mongorestore from metadata
I documents section to have mode to view and edit DbRef content instead of DbRef Objects.
Deal with Lat/Lon Pairs in CSV/Tabular imports.
Schema inference
Support double/string epoch time for date match