Folders for Functions, Values
Add folders to the Functions and Values areas and then to make it 10x better by adding permissioning by folder so we can keep our clients from altering sensitive functions/values in specific folders.

Porat Projects commented
in regards to @Sumedha Mehta comment - while it is indeed possible to create a new function with the directory name before it, separated with a forward-slash (i.e. dirName/funcName) - it only applies to the app structure on github.
Still all functions are showing in a single place - in the main app window on Atlas App Services.
It is crucially important to separate all functions to their own folders on that window. -
Tyler Collins commented
This would be a huge time saver as my application continues to become more complex.
Jean-Baptiste commented
@Sumedha Mehta is there anything to do to switch to the "new application structure"? I can't see this feature.
AdminSumedha Mehta (Admin, MongoDB) commented
Hi everyone, this should be available or Functions now with our new application structure.
Paul commented
Would be good to provide folders for Services too.
Sergio commented
Allow to organize Realm functions and values in folders or directories. This improves organization and allows creating groups of similar functions or with the same business logic