Local development tooling
Similar to AWS SAM (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/serverless-sam-cli-using-invoke.html) or Google Cloud Functions Framework (https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/functions-framework).
I.e. the ability to run functions locally. It's expensive and slow to have to run and test code in a project remotely all the time even for small changes.

Diptanu commented
Chad commented
+1 yes please
Richard commented
Ahmed, that's awesome! I've been toying with the idea of creating an open-source project for this very reason, but the time and effort required are beyond what I can commit right now. Is your emulation suite available publicly? Still, it honestly feels like this is something Atlas should be jumping on. It's not just a developer convenience—it's a feature that could drive more adoption and even serve as a selling point for converstion to their services.
Ahmed Shehata commented
We have created our own emulation suite for Realm to test locally, even supports full Typescript
Richard commented
Totally agree, an emulator for all aspects of App Services is crucial for every development aspect. It's not just about features; it's about business agility and cost-effectiveness. We already have local deployments for MongoDB; extending this capability to App Services would be a game-changer. Even if the emulator doesn't cover all features and uses mocks instead, this could drastically reduce development time, enhance reliability, and streamline our CI/CD pipelines. These advantages would not only lower operational costs but also serve as a strong incentive for teams who are considering adopting App Services and Atlas. This isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a strategic move that could make Atlas an even more attractive choice for development teams.
menelik commented
+1 this needs to be a thing, for realz
Guillaume MOREL-BAILLY commented
This is also crucial for us, especially for the development of lambda functions. That's why we have moved part of our Realm app logic to Azure (API, Azure Functions, etc.). We had a call with one of the MongoDB architects and product owners, and they advised us also to move to another provider for everything else than Atlas (database and Sync engine are great!).
MongoDB, do you have an ETA for this feature? What is the priority?
Jakob commented
This is crucial to consider app service for a real project and not just a demo app.
Fabian Ramos Pitsch commented
For me, this is a deal breaker for using App Services.
Mykhailo commented
James commented
This should be as easy as running "netlify dev"
Thaer commented
Steffen commented
+1 Want to test my trigger locally
Federico Gamondes commented
+1 please!.... developers are not the enemy, we need tools!
Jesse commented
+1 The number one reason I keep choosing to not use MongoDB Realm to build my apps is the lack of local tooling. I cringe at the idea of coding and testing functions remotely via the browser. Once Realm catches up with the rest of the world on this feature I'll gladly use it for my projects.
Jordan commented
+1 Realm is not a developer friendly environment
Simon commented
I have some calculation intensive functions I've been trying to test and it has been painful trying to optimise them for performance. Not being able to see the logs until the function finishes is frustrating, especially if the function then errors and I don't get to see any of the logs! Maybe someone would like to write an extension for VS code that simulates the MongoDB Realm environment? -
Igor commented
+1 please!
Sudarshan commented
+ 1
Matt Price commented
+ 1 for this. Testing and developing functions is a real time killer. We've also found that once you deploy a function, it takes time to propagate so multiple calls to the function are required to see the change.