"Table View" of Documents
As some others tools have, a way to view all documents from a collection in a table format with columns and lines. An 'click on header for sort' is well desirable.

Remi commented
+1 for something akin to Robo3T's table view. Simple and snappy
Luke commented
For inspiration, see the excellent open source Robomongo (not the terrible commericialisation Robo 3t). That is still the only IDE which really nailed the UX for MonogDB.
Ali commented
It's also useful to have different background color for different data types, Navicat has this.
Arnaldo commented
Without this, most of us will simply not use VS Code with MongoDB. Compass already contains this feature.
In other words, having this feature in VS Code would be an excellent incentive to stay in VS Code.
Italo commented
Zsolt commented
I would also consider managing the header by D&D and an option for hiding "columns" in order to pre-format the data prior to performing an export into csv/excel format.