MongoDB for VS Code
MongoDB for VS Code lets you easily work with MongoDB directly from your VS Code environment. Using the MongoDB extension, you can:
- Connect to a MongoDB instance or cluster
- Navigate your databases and collections
- Prototype queries and aggregations
You can install the MongoDB extension from inside of VS Code via the VS Code Extension Marketplace. Help us improve the MongoDB for VS Code by posting your ideas and suggestions for improvements.
79 results found
show last 'n' entires
An option to show last 'n' records. Currently, we have an option to see 10 at a time and then click on 'show more' for every 10 records which is tedious. An option to show last n would help a lot.
1 vote -
Write playground as TypeScript file
Feature Request
It would be nice to write MongoDB playground in Typescript, then we will have design time validation and good suggestions in IDE.
Detailed Description
It would be awesome to have types for MongoDB interfaces and the ability to import your own types.
…import {Sale} from './types'; use('mongodbVSCodePlaygroundDB'); const sales: Sale[] = [ { 'item': 'abc', 'price': 10, 'quantity': 2, 'date': new Date('2014-03-01T08:00:00Z') }, { 'item': 'jkl', 'price': 20, 'quantity': 1, 'date': new Date('2014-03-01T09:00:00Z') }, { 'item': 'xyz', 'price': 5, 'quantity': 10, 'date': new Date('2014-03-15T09:00:00Z') }, { 'item': 'xyz', 'price': 5, 'quantity': 20, 'date': new Date('2014-04-04T11:21:39.736Z') }, { 'item':
9 votes -
Separate Terminal Instances for Different Playground Scripts
Currently, when running multiple scripts, all output is directed to the same terminal.
This could lead to a lot of confusion and difficulty in tracking the progress of individual scripts, especially when they are running concurrently.For example, when running two scripts that both output progress percentages, the output in the terminal looks like this:
Progress: [====== ] 13.70%
Progress: [===== ] 11.37%
Progress: [====== ] 13.71%
Progress: [===== ] 11.37%It's challenging to distinguish which progress percentage corresponds to which script. This issue is exacerbated when more scripts are running simultaneously.
1 vote -
Allow specifying connection string via an environment variable
I have a local replica set that's using randomized ports which results in a non-deterministic connection string, but I have it stored in an environment variable that I use to connect via the shell.
1 vote -
schema diagrams in vs code
need schema diagrams. to view or implement graphically.
1 vote -
4 votes
Configurable playground name/path
Currently, only files ending with .mongodb or .mongodb.js are considered playgrounds. It would be helpful if this was more configurable, perhaps a regex that could be compared against the file path/name so we could consider all files within a folder as playgrounds.
1 vote -
Confirm save
Add a confirmation, when you save an edited document
1 vote -
replica sets
add support of MongoDB replica sets in ADS
1 vote -
List the documents in reverse order
Usulally I need to examine the last created document but in Mongo DB for VS Code in Connections braouser they are presented in ascending order (according to default index "_id : 1).
Please add option for the the documents to be listed in the descending order!1 vote -
Allow to spin up docker container with playground DB directly from VS Code
When a docker installation is detected on the system, allow to directly spin up a new mongoDB in docker and connect to it.
When that option is chosen automatically create a new container with the mongodb:latest docker image, a fixed username (e.g. "dev") and a random 16 chars password
When the port 27017 is already in use, ask the user which port the container should bind.
Then add the connection to the connections list, connect immediately and open the connection's tree item first hierarchy so I can start adding a database on the serverI want to be able to…
1 vote -
Add ability to go from Extended JSON to JS and vice-versa.
It would be nice to have a way to take an expression in EJSON and convert it to "plain" JS.
The motivativation is that sometimes we get large blocks of aggregation pipelines already in EJSON, but want to express them as JS code without EJSON, or vice-versa.
A command / shortcut / refactor method to highlight some text that is in format A and convert to format B would be nice.
{x: {$ne: {"$objectid": "AAAAAAAABBBBBBBBCCCCCCCC"}}} -------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Convert From EJSON..." {x: {$ne: ObjectId("AAAAAAAABBBBBBBBCCCCCCCC") }}
1 vote -
Print Logs As They Happen, Not At End of Script
When I add a
line in mongosh, that line is executed as it is reached. For example, if I add it within a loop, it prints for every iteration in a loop. However, in a VS Code Playground, it only prints when the Playground has finished executing.I'd like to request that the VS Code extension allows for
troubleshooting anywhere within a Playground as it is executed, not just at the end.3 votes -
Create/Edit App Services Functions from VS Code
Once connected to an Atlas database, if there are applications in App Services, the ability to select an application and create or edit Functions inside the MongoDB for VS Code extension would be really cool!
10 votes -
Display the time it took for queries
Similar to any other MongoDB tool, I would like to know how much it took me to run the specific query/count and so on.
It would be nice to also have a timer that indicate how much time it been running for (when the query taking too much time).4 votes -
Ability to select a specific property to display in the sidebar document list
Make it possible to select (and remember for each collection) a property to display in the list of documents, instead of the standard '_id' property (For example: 'name' property, instead of '_id')
2 votes -
Kerberos ticket renewal in MongoDB Node.js Driver programmatically
Requesting a functionality of the MongoDB driver (or another NPM module) to automatically renew the tickets when it is necessary without kinit on Linux environment
2 votes -
ability to run to a specified aggregation stage and see output
Essentially the same as
if you add multiple aggregation stages you can pick which one you want to run up to, and inspect the output.
This makes it dramatically easier to tweak larger pipelines without having to comment further stages out.
2 votes -
Enable simple and easy Connection with Mongoose or other ODM without the use of Code
it would be nice to be able to use the VScode extension when building MERN stack projects by easy connection between mongoose and the extension
1 vote -
Query delimiter lines in playgrounds
Much like the REST Client extension allows you to add delimiters (in their case three or more #) between requests, it would be good if this extension offered something similar so that you can easily run individual queries or sets of queries in files containing multiple. So my playground looked something like below, clicking the play button when the mouse cursor is above the delimiter executes the first statement and when below the second.
db.collection2.find({})1 vote
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