Make Load() support Regex Patterns or make a new loadRegex() function
Problem Statement/Rationale
Let's say you have a directory full of scripts.
For now, I need to do a load('script path') for each script.
Wouldn't it be great if I could do load('*') within the directory, and load them all one after the other with this one liner ?
Expected Results
load(/*/) -> all the files in the directory, sorted by alphanumerical (maybe we could also configure a locale in mongo configuration file or something like that to change collation)
Actual Results
load(Regex Pattern) doesn't work, because it searches a path.
Additional Notes
if it's too complicated to make load compatible with regex patterns, we could imagine that an other function could do the job, like findRegex() or something, where it accepts a string and this string has to be a regex pattern