Faster Faceting
Current faceting solution is not fast enough for search use cases for larger datasets.

Ahmed commented
Hey guys, any news related ti this ticket ?
Current faceting solution is not fast enough for search use cases for larger datasets.
Atlas Search facet ( ) and count ( ) are in preview. The features and the corresponding documentation may change at any time in the preview stage.
The Atlas Search $searchMeta ( ) stage is not available on shared clusters. $searchMeta ( ) is available only on dedicated clusters.
facet is only available on Atlas clusters running one of the following versions:
You can’t run facet queries with Explain ( ).
This ticket will be marked as complete when Facet is available on Sharded clusters.
We have started to work on this feature and it could come sooner than we expect. If you would like to sign up for the early access program, please send me an email. We can talk about what participation we require from you to join the party. If not, we will be releasing to the world a short while after early access ends.
We have started to review this feature request with the relevant teams and will update everyone watching the ticket accordingly.
Hey guys, any news related ti this ticket ?
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