Allow the ability to test Atlas Search locally
We need text search to "somehow" work locally and ci.
We've a multiregional team and development has to continue if there are internet problems in one of our offices.
Our workflow consists of :
unitTest using in-memory-mongodb
local testing, using the developers local mongo instance
test env testing with a QA team (using atlas, but <30m)
production launch
With the current feature set, the first time we can test a feature is on production. Even if low-tier availability was there the other two issues are blockers as we won't just ditch TDD for textSearch.

Now in Public Preview: Introducing a Local Experience for Atlas, Atlas Search, and Atlas Vector Search with the Atlas CLI
Please feel to reply with feedback or leave comments. Happy to connect directly and include your team in our Early Access Program to provide additional help.
Taj commented
Any updates on this ?
Rafal commented
+1 to being able to do this locally either via Docker using the mongot process (even if it's a very limited instance), or packages that can be installed locally on Linux/OSX.
John commented
The ability to develop and test locally without an internet connection or having to change code is critical. Performance during local dev is irrelevant as our performance tests will all be cloud based. We just need the same code to run local and remote.
Matus commented
we need it
Carlos commented
Any updates on the possibility to mock text search or release a container that can be used for this purpose? This is really important.
ramesh commented
This feature is a must. We can't ship anything without first testing/developing locally. A docker image would do the job I believe.
Steffan commented
This is pretty sad this didn't come out at launch let alone a year+ later.
Ben commented
Or even a brute force implementation in the open source repo. Performance testing doesn't matter.
Ben commented
Any updates here? I badly want to use this feature. But it's awfully hard to justify if I cant test locally. Perhaps there is a way to offer a single node only docker image?
John commented
We really need local testing as well. I understand it might be a business decision to have features that work in atlas so that your platform is enticing. Maybe you could put a limiter on local performance to ensure it is only used for testing, we could at least test our queries are working correctly, even if they are slow locally.
Tom commented
Hi, this features is truly a must, any idea when it will be available @marcus?
AdminMarcus Eagan (Admin, MongoDB) commented
We are working on an initiative to provide a local dev experience for our users. It is coming soon. In the meantime, there may be ways for you to use Atlas for development purposes.
Ciaran commented
The inability to use atlas search locally or in a on prem scenario is limiting for us. Some of our cloud hosted products use mongodb atlas but there is a desire to make those products be available to customers so they can run them themselves on premise. Not being able to have the same feature set would either mean going with the older text indexes and have degraded functionality or switching to a different db provider.
Manuel commented
We are moving towards Atlas Search with some successful PoCs for different models we have. But writing a search mock for local dev/testing and CI/CD is too much and dangerous as well.
Rega commented
Super important
Niklas commented
This is a deal breaker for us as well.
We're fine with using Mongo DB through Atlas. But, we're 6 developers and we need to be able to develop in isolation and our automated pipeline needs to be able to run tests in isolation. Setting up local development or running automated tests through one shared database feels very old school.
We either need a Docker container or an API where we can manage small, short-lived, "micro databases" in Atlas, preferably the first one.
Justin commented
Is this an Atlas specific feature? Or will it be available in docker versions of mongo? This is a deal breaker.