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  1. Support for Connecting Cloud Manager to MongoDB Docker Containers

    I am not able to find a way to connect cloud manager to on prem docker containers running MongoDB. Maybe i've missed something and this feature already exists?

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  2. Support for cPanel

    Cpanel doesn't have any support for Mongodb

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  3. Use word, not letter to define log levels in Ops Manager

    The following log messages are "info" level messages which can be found in the kubernetes logs from the ops-manager-db pods:

    {"logType":"mongodb","contents":"2020-12-16T02:42:28.557+0000 I  WRITE    [conn7329] update monitoringstatus.config.agentSessions command: { q: { _id: \"mongodb-rs-1.mongodb-rs-svc.mongodb.svc.cluster.local-48cc126fc451d9fa2ffa7569363971f2-5fbedc8dc354771c77dd1932\", s: \"KHNA9JiqXcos5V0d\" }, u: { $set: { s: \"PRIMARY\", p: true } }, multi: false, upsert: false } planSummary: IXSCAN { _id: 1 } numYields:0 queryHash:6C451E2F planCacheKey:38AD5486 ok:0 errMsg:\"E11000 duplicate key error collection: monitoringstatus.config.agentSessions index: cid_1_s_1 dup key: { cid: ObjectId('5fbedc8dc354771c77dd1932'), s: \\\"PRIMARY\\\" }\" errName:DuplicateKey errCode:11000 locks:{ ParallelBatchWriterMode: { acquireCount: { r: 1 } }, ReplicationStateTransition: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, Global: { acquireCount: { w:
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  4. Rewrite Informational Message "E11000 duplicate key error collection"

    Rewrite the informational AppDB log message so that monitoring tools such as Dynatrace and Splunk does not consider this message as an error message.

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  5. Add ability to merge metrics when host renamed

    If a host is renamed and a new mapping is made with a unique ID, there is no way to merge the metrics to view the, historically.

    Adding the ability to merge metrics from previous hosts (when the user is sure the hosts are equivalent) would allow history to be viewed and maintained.

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  6. Ability to control Ops Manager log rotation from an Admin Page in the UI

    The Ops Manager Application Server Log Directory is typically located in /opt/mongodb/mms/logs/.

    Currently, the log rotation of the Ops Manager log files /opt/mongodb/mms/logs/mms0.log, /opt/mongodb/mms/logs/daemon.log and /opt/mongodb/mms/logs/mms0-access.log are configured by default to rotate the log file every day and compress it with a retention of 30 days. After 30 days the compressed files are deleted.

    Please allow the configuration of these log rotation settings through the Ops Manager Web UI.

    Currently, this can only be done manually. The default installation of Ops Manager includes a file in /opt/mongodb/mms/conf called logback.xml. This is the file that the library uses…

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  7. bigpanda

    Prefer to get BigPanda integrated with OpsManager for event correlation .

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  8. Support ClusterAuthMode X509

    Customer is trying to deploy a RS with X509 internal auth. The missing RS parameter clusterAuthMode: X509 can be set via GUI but not via CLI.

    Customer would appreciate full support for this mode using the CLI.

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  9. Alerts if MMS Application goes down

    Dear Team,

    We are looking for an option to set alerts if any of the Ops Manager Application goes down in a HA environment. Being with HA configuration, we at least expect this feature to in place - as currently it looks like that OPS Manager is not aware of its own HA configuration.

    Mongo Case: 00723232


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  10. 1 vote

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  11. MongoCLI Wizard Flag

    Currently a user needs to manually insert at least all the required flags to use a mongocli command. We can implement the flag --wizard which guides the user through flags with interactive prompts.
    This flag should be added to all the commands to allow the user to get interactive prompts when required flags are not provided.

    The wizard flag will have the following functionalities:

    • Asking to the user the required flags with interactive prompts
    • Showing a list of optional flags and asking to insert their values if selected
    • In case of describe commands, showing the list of resources available (mongocli…
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  12. mongoimport should assume json with arrays

    When running something like "mongoimport --host Cluster0-shard-0/,, --ssl --username MYUSER --password MYPASS --authenticationDatabase admin --db db --collection coll --type json --file D:\downloads\records.json". You get error "2019-09-28T15:40:34.076-0600 Failed: cannot decode array into a D". You have to use the "--jsonArray". Why wouldn't this be the default. Almost all JSON objects have arrays via mass import/export. Worse case, it should give a better error message.

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  13. Significantly Throttle or Skip MongoDB Agent Connections to Intentionally Disabled Clusters

    When performing an automated snapshot restore in Ops Manager, the MongoDB Agents shut down all MongoDB cluster members while the snapshot(s) are downloaded to the dbPath's.
    During this phase of the plan, the MongoDB Agents continue to attempt network connections to the cluster members; as frequently as ~4 per second per mongod. This traffic may pose problems for certain cluster deployment designs. Of note, clusters that are "micro-sharded" (multiple cluster members residing on the same physical hosts) and clusters with members in a remote datacenter can receive an amplification and/or excessive amount of connections relative to what the network can…

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  14. In Ops Manager, the user show as all deployment. How can i change from 'all deployment' to a specific deployment.

    In Ops Manager, the user show as all deployment. Using MMS, How can i change from 'all deployment' to a specific deployment.

    MongoDB User Name MongoDB Roles Deployment
    yyyyy xxxx-rw@xxxx all deployments

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  15. Allow additional port for SMTP configuration

    Our Cyber team doesn't want SNMP traffic on default port, need dev team's help to enable additional (or custom) ports to be setup in SMTP configuration (e.g. port 163).

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  16. Mark IP ranges when user add to whitelist more than 4 address network

    Security/Network Access/IP Access List

    When adding the ip range it is easy to make mistake an example instead of add

    It will be great to mark as read or ask user "are you sure to add range with mask <30"

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  17. cert-manager & external-dns integration

    Since the kube CA integration is deprecated, the operator should have an option to integrate with cert-manager and external-dns for automatic tls and dns records.

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  18. It would be perfect, If I have "Credential ID" and "Verification Link" for courses that I have completed. Yes, I know, MongoDB provides t

    It would be perfect,

    If I have "Credential ID" and "Verification Link" for courses that I have completed.

    Yes, I know, MongoDB provides this information for professional certified developer, but

    Why not for the certificate of completion?

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  19. Ability to set snapshotRetentionDays value to 1

    Need to be able to retain 1 day backups only or just daily backups. Need to reduce 3 day worth of archive.

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  20. alert when one or more monitoring agents in a project fail (not only when there are no agents left)

    alert when one or more monitoring agents in a project fail (not only when there are no agents left)

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