Add options to the connection string through the MongoDBUser
We would like to add options to the connection string that is generated by the operator when creating a new MongoDBUser.
The idea is to include these options in the MongoDBUser CRD so the operator can then add them to the connectionString stored in the generated secret.

JOSE commented
We are trying to mimic what you can do in ATLAS:
A standard replica set contains a primary node for reads and writes and two secondary nodes that are read only. Analytics nodes provide an additional read-only node that is dedicated to analytical reads.We were able to add a new node to the replica set, have it tagged and with no votes and lower priority, even with potenttialy a different quality in its persistent volumes, so would lilke to have a connection string customized to include the readPreferenceTags.
We filed a support case, but this is not currently supported in the Operator/MongoDBUser.