Should provide sharding feature in community Operator.

arpit oberoi commented
This would be very useful in closing the gap between test and production environments, specially for staging/pre prod environments.
I am willing to spend 20-30 hours a week, maybe even more if someone can mentor me through this. Please contact me if you'd like to work on this together.
Github: supersaeyan
Email: arpitkoberoi@gmail.comAnother one of my use cases is generating a stub DB instances as part of data specific test cases, as part of the test suite setup, removing dependencies from team shared remote environments thus allowing developers develop and test quicker, on their local machines.
Leonardo Freitas Gomes commented
This would allow self-contained product teams to manage their own sharded cluster in Kubernetes for testing purposes, while still using an Enterprise version for production.
We currently have different setups in test and production and this leads to issues like finding out that we missed the sharding of some collections only when we finally deploy on a full-blown sharded cluster. We would like to have self-contained Kubernetes cluster for testing that look as close to production as possible, and this would be an enabler.