Ops Manager API call for Host Mappings
This feature request is for a new Group/Project API call for the management of the host mappings created in Ops Manager from monitoring information. Whether it be an endpoint for "Reset Duplicates" or full featured create/delete of individual host mappings, both will alleviate issues where overlapping mappings affect monitoring in Ops Manager.
Note: The issue of overlapping mappings may occur when a mongod process has moved/changed IP addresses multiple times. With enough cycling (as seen in Kubernetes clusters with frequent pod restarts), eventually a previously mapped IP address may now be associated with a different mongod process.

Jason commented
I would like official API support to 'reset duplicates' e.g. the behaviour available via the cloud manager UI which calls: https://cloud.mongodb.com/host/resetDups/<project_id>
Additional functionality to manage the host mappings is generally useful.
The use-case is that we regularly replace our AWS EC2 instances running mongoDB (e.g AMI rotation as mentioned in another comment). IP addresses regularly change (and can be reused within our subnet over time). Duplicates (especially across different mongoDB replicaSets) cause "problems" with cloud manager UI correctly monitoring the cluster. We have automated our replacement procedure but there is no way to programatically manage / remove stale entries from the hostMapping table.
Pooja commented
Without this facility, we are not able to automate our weekend AMI rotation. It needs manual intervention. We need someone to login over the weekend to click on Reset duplicates button.