Ops Manager
In Ops Manager ,Whenever we do changes in the configuration the deployed mongodb instnaces ,GUI prompt for Review & Deploy ,If we have a provision for schduling the deployment in later time would fullfil the real Automation.
- Do the changes at convenient time
- Do deploy thru a schedulers

Manikandan [not provided] commented
In Ops Manager if we have different region servers (ASPAC, EMEA, NAM), applying maintenance windows for specific replica set or hosts is not possible in current versions.
Note: We don't want to create different projects for each region and apply maintenance window.
In this case, we need to have an option to select individual hosts or replica_set( all hosts will be applicable) in maintenance window. Currently we have generic option like (Hosts, replica set, backup, sharded cluster and agent) or let us know if any API call to apply based on specific region servers.