Introduce Helm Chart for MongoDB, MongoDBUser and secrets
Provide a helm chart that deploys MongoDB, MongoDBUser, secrets and all other resources needed.
The goal is to simplify the deployment of a MongoDB instance and everything that comes with it down to a helm one-liner.

We have an example of a HELM chart that can deploy all resources.
We will be working on adding more refined charts
Jason commented
Not quite the official launch, but please watch for updates. We are planning to roll out supported charts across the board over the next couple months. Thanks for your patience. -
frank commented
I agree with Joel and posted the same question to MongoDB support.
The current MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator provides helm support ONLY for creation of the Operator. However we would want a helm chart for the creation of the MongoDB resources (standalone, replica set, sharded cluster) without having to generate each manually via the specific resource yaml files. Basically as Joel mentioned a helm chart for the MongoDB CR, MongoDB User and secrets for the user. -
Joel commented
Hi Andrey,
The HELM chart you are referring to is about the deployment of the Operator.
This suggestion is about a HELM chart for the resources needed to deploy a MongoDB instance. Meaning MongoDB CR, MongoDBUser CR(s) and secret(s) for the User.
AdminAndrey (Admin, MongoDB) commented
Helm charts help simplify the deployment of complex systems and would make it easier to deploy Operator.