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  1. Add Ops Manager alert on tlsX509ExpirationWarningThresholdDays client

    Ops Manager alert, for messages posted through 'tlsX509ExpirationWarningThresholdDays' parameter to warn for client certs expiry

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  2. Disk metric - log drive

    The ops manager is not capturing the log drive disk related metrics when the log path is different from data path. This is an important metric to monitor for anyone to consider OM as the monitoring tool.

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  3. add logical name to disk in metrics

    when we look at hardware metric in replicaset, OPS Manager displays and groups disk stats based on internal disk name on each node. if for some reason we have disks discovered in different order on OS level, disk names will be different and it's become very messy and difficult to compare disk stats between different nodes.

    Suggestion is to add ability to give disk logical name so OPS Manager will display disks for data and disks for logs in a nice way. if new disk is replaced or added - default name can be displayed so administrator will be able…

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  4. Add milliseconds to Ops Manager access logs

    The current logback-access.xml file only logs with second grainularity, which isn't great when trying to correlate HTTP events with other log events.

    I propose changing this line:

    <pattern>%h %l %u [%t] "%X{requestUrl}" %s %b "%i{Referer}" "%i{User-Agent}"

    To this:

    <pattern>%h %l %u [%date{"dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"}] "%X{requestUrl}" %s %b "%i{Referer}" "%i{User-Agent}"

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  5. Allow setting the backup PreferredMember via the API for sharded clusters

    It's currently only possible to set a backup PreferredMember via the API for a standalone replicaset, but it's not possible to set the PreferredMember for shards of a sharded cluster.

    You can do this via the Web UI, but that's incredibly tedious if you have many shards and it would also be valuable to be able to change the PreferredMember in automation scripts.

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  6. MONGOCLI add command to shutdown and startup the standalone instance

    in this moment there is no way to shutdown or startup a standalone instance because the mongocli works with cluster only

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  7. Examples for installing operator declaratively on argocd

    Hey there,

    Would it be possible to add some examples when it comes to deploying the community operator with argocd?


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  8. 1 vote

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  9. mongotop improvements

    Hi. I want to suggest a couple of improvements for mongotop.

    • count output in a grid view. Now only time is supported. Could be implemented with a command line flag
    • limit the number of rows in a grid view with a command line flag (now 10 is hardcoded)
    • pretty print of JSON (by flag)
    • rename parameter rowcount to itercount
    • date pretty print, something more human-readable than ISO format
    • collect more granular stats from the top command. Now we only collect total and locks, * while we can insert, remove, update, etc.

    I could implement them if the improvements are considered…

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  10. multi region support for MongoDB Community Operator

    multi region support for MongoDB Community Operator

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  11. More admin functionality for backup groom jobs

    Currently it is possible to start a groom job, however once the groom is started no additional functionality is available. It would be convenient if a groom could be paused/stopped, if required, on the admin panel.

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  12. MongoDBUser new feature to retrieve user and password from a secret

    Hi! I hope you are doing well.

    We would like to have an option in the "MongoDBUser" Custom Resource to reference a Kubernetes secret with user and password instead of only "spec.passwordSecretKeyRef". For us, it's also important to save the user MongoDB in a secret as well and don't pass the user through commands(helm).

    Basically, we would like to perform the following steps:

    1. Create a secret in GCP Secret Manager with MongoDB's user/password.
    2. Recover the secret using the "External Secrets tool" running in Kubernetes.
    3. Refer only one secret with user/password in the "MongoDBUser" custom resources as we are doing currently…
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  13. Do not trigger spurious COLLSCAN alerts for getmore commands during watch

    Here's what MongoDB support summarizes about the current behavior: "Upon consulting with the team, they have confirmed that sometimes change streams can trigger collection scans, but these alerts are an artifact of how we calculate the metric today. Unfortunately at the moment, there is no fix for these alerts"

    My suggestion is to fix how the metric is calculated. What is happening in the getmore is not a real COLLSCAN, and it should not be reported (and alerted) as such.

    (Bonus points for including context information in the COLLSCAN threshold alert showing the collection and operation. Just knowing there has…

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  14. Mongoimport CSV columnsHaveTypes to support ObjectID type

    Mongoimport supports a number of import types via the --columnsHaveTypes switch. It would be great if 'objectid' was added as a type.

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  15. mongoimport: trap SIGUSR1 to flush buffer

    If mongoimport is run in the background as a daemon, the user doesn't have many good ways to manually flush the buffer from a scripting standpoint. By default mongoimport flushed data every 1000 documents.

    This feature as already requested at but was closed. I still have the hope that it will be introduced somewhere in future release.

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  16. Support Cloudian S3 in OpsManager

    OpsManager currently supports the S3 implementations of AWS, IBM Cloud and Dell EMC Elastic Cloud Storage. We would like to use our existing Cloudian S3 storage. We've used it for a while now and it works, but we suggest making this an "officially supported" flavor, too.

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  17. Release Cadence to allow pegging Minor Version Upgrades prior to GA of next Major Release

    Current requirement to enable 'auto upgrades' to test and take advantage of Minor version updates (Example: 6.x.x >> 6.y.x). As a larger company with a 2-4 week release cycle in our products, we have seen need to start testing a Minor version upgrade to the current Major GA Release (Recent example below).

    Scenario where this could be a problem in summary (See detailed real world story further down):
    - Customer sees a new feature they wish to try.
    - Customer is pegged to last major version upgrade (currently 6.0.x) to allow for pegging the version in production
    - Customer…

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  18. MongoDB Tools Apple Silicon native version

    6.0 now has a native release for Apple Silicon, but the tools are still compiled for x86_64. The seems to point towards new platform support on internal systems like - can we get a native build of the tools ?

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  19. Add cluster_id parameter in host detail API

    As per the link and below API :

    curl --user "{PUBLIC-KEY}:{PRIVATE-KEY}" --digest
    --header "Accept: application/json"
    --request GET "https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0/groups/{PROJECT-ID}/hosts/{HOST-ID}/measurements?granularity={TIME-INCREMENT}&period={PERIOD}}&pretty=true"

    This will give us the details pertaining to one host and one project. However what if one host has multiple processes and part of multiple replica sets within same project in OPS Manager? Then it becomes difficult to gather gather data. Hence a clusterid parameter should also be added to distinguish details based on host pertaining to which cluster or replica set along with projectid which is already present.

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  20. Export Reports and Graphs

    OPtions to export the reports and graphs into a PDF or office tool will help Incident Management process to a great extend.

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