view on nested array
- It is quite common to have nested array in documents in MongoDB.
- It is also quite common to have to "flatify" those arrays in queries.
Here is an example where we have a collection with consultants and their professional experiences.
consultant [{
age: 25,
experiences: [{
role: "Sofware Engineer",
from: "2010-01-01",
to: "2012-01-01",
company: "CompanyA"
}, {
role: "Data Analyst",
from: "2018-01-01",
to: "2020-01-01",
company: "CompanyB"
If we would like to list all experiences at a company during a certain period of time, we would have to do an aggregate query with 3 steps that are sometimes error prone:
- $match with $elemMatch
- $unwind
- same $match (without $elemMatch)
"views" exists and make those queries much easier to create, with a simple find
db.experiences.find({company:"CompanyA", from: {$gte: ... $lte...}})
Unfortunately when using "views" the engine simply adds the match constraint at the end of the aggregation which turns out to be not always performant see
Would it be possible to create an option when creating a view that would be: Create a "view from nestedArray". It is quite simple to create an aggregation query where the query is better optimised because the match is done in the beginning.
/** 1st match if elemMatch */
/** 2nd match without elemMatch */
stages.add(new GenericAggregationOperation("$project", "{\"" + nestedCollection +"\": \"$" + nestedCollection + "\"}"));
stages.add(new GenericAggregationOperation("$lookup", "{from: \"" + parentCollection + "\",\n" + "localField: \"_id\", foreignField: \"_id\", as: \"" + nestedCollection + "." + patientFieldName + "\"}"));
stages.add(new GenericAggregationOperation("$unwind", "{ path : \"$"+ nestedCollection +"." + patientFieldName + "\"}"));
stages.add(new GenericAggregationOperation("$replaceRoot", "{newRoot: \"$" + nestedCollection + "\"}"));