Responsive charts
One of the selling points for Qlik is the ability to have charts that resize depending on the screen size. I struggle a bit when resizing the screen and the charts don't resize. They should be responsive and adapt to the screen size!

AdminTom (Admin, MongoDB) commented
Note that if you click the Zoom button on any chart, it does go into a responsive mode. This can be useful when viewing dashboards on a mobile device too.
I've been reluctant to make the dashboard view responsive by default, as many charts require a specific size to look good, and having the charts change size based on the user's browser could mean the author's preferred chart dimensions wouldn't apply.
How would people like this to behave? Would a separate mobile-friendly / responsive view be enough, or should the default dashboard view be responsive?
Akbar commented
I totally agree. I have a few heat maps and scatter plots that look nice and professional on a laptop, but the legend takes a big portion of the screen when I want to see them on my phone (after embedding them on my own website dashboard)