Ability to toggle Dark Theme
Most dashboards from different services offer the ability to be in Dark Mode, which is easier to read and saves loads of energy.
As a workaround users can use browser extensions to apply a css dark theme.
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dark-mode-webextension/
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/care-your-eyes/fidmpnedniahpnkeomejhnepmbdamlhl

We are planning to start work on a Dark mode in Charts in the first half of next year.
Paul commented
Please add a dark theme! Almost every other development tool or DevOps tools either offer it, or enable a plugin or update to enable it. This may seem trivial to users, but it is not. Unfortunately, as more development tools offer dark mode, the more contrast (pardon the pun) the white interface of Compass is, and the more harsh it is on the eyes.
This is not only a huge productivity issue, but dare I say, something that contributes to health issues. Eye strain, especially over very long hours nearly every day really adds up. It leads to headaches, and eye health complications. Do you realize how happy you would make many users? Even your competitors like Studio3T offer this feature (but most of us want to stick with native Mongo DB tools). They are the chihuahua nipping at your heels.
We are not asking you to reinvent the Compass UI. This is just a "theme" or color preference set of options. People have been requesting this for over a year now. There is no reason why this should not be available in the native Compass UI.
Come on, man! Get this done! No more excuses. Time for extreme ownership.
Morgan commented
Lol "soon"^(tm)
Emile Nijssen commented
Hey Tom, is soon already here? :)
Tyler Jensen commented
Very excited for this to come to the Charts!
AdminTom (Admin, MongoDB) commented
Note that you can already choose a dark theme when rendering embedded charts. Allowing the main Charts app to use a dark theme is something we're looking at doing soon.