Hyperlinks in charts
The idea is to be able to create hyperlinks with data from the charts in order to create connections with other web apps. This is similar to a Kibana functionality

Rishi commented
Is this feature released? how would i enable it for some text fields?
Thomas commented
we just activated some of our charts to enable clickability.
with some metadata for each chart, this works very smooth and enables roundtrip navigation. from app to chart, from chart to app with dynamic urls generated based on information provided by the chart upon a click.
great job to mongodb for enabling this feature - this was one of our biggest gaps, that needed resolution.
Nagarjun commented
when it will be released
Nagarjun commented
If user want to navigate from one mongo Dashboard to another Mongo Dashboard.Suppose Summary Dashboard and User click Hyperlink to go to Detail Dashboard.
other use case is when User clik on KPI card /Chart click and go to the Detail desired dashboard. -
Thomas commented
Yes, we would like to open up our web app screens by clicking on a component of a chart, such as a category. This is crucial for any integration of MongoDB Charts into any existing web application in my opinion.