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  1. Add Alert for Projects which are not in Goal State

    Add an Alert type that is triggered if a project has not reached the goal state for certain amount of time.

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  2. Request "Send SMS Test Message" tab similar to "Admin > Control Panel > Send Test Message" for email.

    This could be useful for testing SMS messages and twilio integrations.

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  3. Data Size on the header of Overview/Real Time/Metrics/Data/Profiler/Performance Advisor pages

    Data Size on the header of Overview/Real Time/Metrics/Data/Profiler/Performance Advisor pages appears to be incorrect.

    Reasearch indicates that the "Data Size" next to "Status" on the Overview/Real Time/Metrics/Data/Profiler/Performance Advisor pages possibly does not include "local" DB and may have an incorrect divisor.
    It also shows the same possibly incorrect value on each Deployment in the "Processes" page.

    We, DBAs, and our application teams, who have access to the Ops Manager, have been relying on this metric info each time we needed to find the size of a user DB.

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  4. Improve backup process with automatic reparation of broken job

    Enhance the Ops Manager feature for the detecting of broken processes, validating its sanity, so that Ops Manager could "un-break" processes and start regular backups without any manual intervention.

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  5. Ability to send SNMPv3 Alert Traps for configured Ops Manager Alerts

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Ops Manager Alerts should have possibility to send SNMPv3 Alert Traps to configured destinations. SNMPv3 provides better authentication, data encryption and message integrity in comparison to SNMPv2c protocol.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) It is mandatory to use SNMPv3 in many enterprise deployments as SNMPv2c does plaintext community string authentication without encryption (SNMPv3 does MD5/SHA1 hashing for passwords and provides encryption for SNMP data).

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  6. Add collection level statistics to the measurements API

    Get Database Measurements currently provides information from dbStats.

    Adding collection level statistics would be useful for gathering information via the API on a regular basis to measure growth of each collection and other metrics. Data Explorer functionality is not available via the API.

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  7. KMIP Server Host

    Ability to enter multiple values for "KMIP Server Host" under KMIP Server Configuration in the Backup Configuration page of the Ops Manager Config. This would be similar to entering multiple values for 'kmipServerName' for deployments. This would help in terms of HA for KMIP; use a secondary KMIP server if the primary were to be unavailable.

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  8. Use word, not letter to define log levels in Ops Manager

    The following log messages are "info" level messages which can be found in the kubernetes logs from the ops-manager-db pods:

    {"logType":"mongodb","contents":"2020-12-16T02:42:28.557+0000 I  WRITE    [conn7329] update monitoringstatus.config.agentSessions command: { q: { _id: \"mongodb-rs-1.mongodb-rs-svc.mongodb.svc.cluster.local-48cc126fc451d9fa2ffa7569363971f2-5fbedc8dc354771c77dd1932\", s: \"KHNA9JiqXcos5V0d\" }, u: { $set: { s: \"PRIMARY\", p: true } }, multi: false, upsert: false } planSummary: IXSCAN { _id: 1 } numYields:0 queryHash:6C451E2F planCacheKey:38AD5486 ok:0 errMsg:\"E11000 duplicate key error collection: monitoringstatus.config.agentSessions index: cid_1_s_1 dup key: { cid: ObjectId('5fbedc8dc354771c77dd1932'), s: \\\"PRIMARY\\\" }\" errName:DuplicateKey errCode:11000 locks:{ ParallelBatchWriterMode: { acquireCount: { r: 1 } }, ReplicationStateTransition: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, Global: { acquireCount: { w:
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  9. Rewrite Informational Message "E11000 duplicate key error collection"

    Rewrite the informational AppDB log message so that monitoring tools such as Dynatrace and Splunk does not consider this message as an error message.

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  10. Repilca Set Election - Even Number of Nodes

    WE have a 4 node replica set and when we removed 2 of the nodes at one time the election process didn't know how to elect a new primary. We would like the election process to accommodate an even number of replica set nodes.

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  11. Ability to customize subject line for System & Global Alerts

    Currently there's no way to customize the subject line of either a system or global alert. The subject line only has the project name & time. It doesn't even say why the alert was generated until the email alert is opened. Having the ability to modify the subject line, even if it's to certain predefined fields such as alert condition for example would be helpful in addressing alerts in an efficient and effective manner.

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  12. Add ability to merge metrics when host renamed

    If a host is renamed and a new mapping is made with a unique ID, there is no way to merge the metrics to view the, historically.

    Adding the ability to merge metrics from previous hosts (when the user is sure the hosts are equivalent) would allow history to be viewed and maintained.

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  13. Add Ops Manager's Org ID/Name into all SNMP Alert Traps

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Ops Manager's Org ID/Name is not included into any of SNMP Alert Traps sent from Ops Manager's Application Server.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) Operator who watch Monitoring System (the one that receive SNMP Alert Traps from Ops Manager) needs to see Ops Manager's Organization ID/Name in order to quickly understand to where that Ops Manager's Alert is related to. Monitoring System (the one that receive SNMP Alert Traps from Ops Manager) needs to do additional work for each SNMP Alert Trap received (via GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/GET /orgs/{ORG-ID}

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  14. Binaries should be provided via Docker images

    To implement this in a Kubernetes native way for offline deployments, the binaries should be provided as Docker images and distributed through the Docker repositories that are already present in the k8s environment.

    Option 1 (intermediate): Allow Mount of Docker images in the MongoDBOpsManager resource for the path defined in This would allow us to pre-package the binaries needed and bring up the OpsManager in a kubernetes native way. Everything else (e.g. agent downloading the tgz) would stay the same and still be the "OpsManger-way".

    Option 2 (long term): The MongoDB TGZ package is provided as Docker image by…

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  15. Include Replica Set Horizons in Connect to your Deployment Modal

    Clicking on the "Connect to this replica set" should open a modal that includes the Replica Set horizon host and port (if configured) in addition to the host's FQDN. This will help users determine their connection settings without requesting details from the kubernetes cluster administrators that deployed the database.

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  16. bigpanda

    Prefer to get BigPanda integrated with OpsManager for event correlation .

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  17. Alerts if MMS Application goes down

    Dear Team,

    We are looking for an option to set alerts if any of the Ops Manager Application goes down in a HA environment. Being with HA configuration, we at least expect this feature to in place - as currently it looks like that OPS Manager is not aware of its own HA configuration.

    Mongo Case: 00723232


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  18. Webpage session expiry - introduce inactivity timeout

    Currently one can specify a "Session Max Hours" - The number of hours before a website session expires and a user must login again.
    This should be replaced or enhanced with an "Inactivity timeout".
    We have the requirement to set a timeout due to PCI.
    However with the current implementation I have to re-login to the website even when working actively with OPS Manager. An inactivity timeout would allow to be logged out when I am not working on the OPS Manager, but not whilst working with it.

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  19. Add hostname/port attributes into all Cluster/Replica Set alert types

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Add hostname/port attributes into all Cluster/Replica Set alert types generated via SNMP Alert Traps, Ops Manager's Public API calls (Project/Global Alerts) and Alert Webhooks (Project/Global Alerts).

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) Hostname/port attributes are currently missed in Cluster/Replica Set alert types and we only provide a name of the Cluster/Replica Set for which the alert was generated. Operator who watch Monitoring System (the one that receive Ops Manager Alerts) needs to see hostname/port information of a Shard/Replica Set for which such alert was generated, in order to quickly understand…

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  20. Make snapshot retention policy more customisable

    Make the retention policy of Ops Manager snapshots customisable so we can choose custom values (like 21) to be more flexible with the settings.

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