44 results found
the profile output in association with the $comment query operator need to have consistency across operations.
I have observed the different profile result with regard to $comment query operator in association with find and update operation respectively as follows;
find operation shows a comment on the command.filter.$comment and the command.comment field in the system.profile collection.
op: 'query',
ns: 'db101.Bets',
command: {
find: 'Bets',
filter: {
_id: ObjectId("61a9db4b3bd34e4f68fb9abc"),
'$comment': 'test-dba'
comment: 'test-dba',
lsid: { id: UUID("43ebee67-3184-4ede-9cee-ecca7457861a") },
'$db': 'db101'
},update operation shows a comment only on the command.q.$comment field in the system.profile collection.
op: 'update',
ns: 'db101.Bets',
command: {
q: {
_id: ObjectId("61a9db4b3bd34e4f68fb9abc"),
'$comment': 'test-dba'
u: { '$set': { odds: 0.5 } },
1 vote -
multiple centersphere as a geometry for geowithin
im looking at one of my queries that a system regularly runs and some times we look for records that are within up to 250 different centerspheres, i wornder if we could enable, like geowithin has the ability to support multiple poligons, we could enable multiple centerspheres ,
$match: {{'location':{
"$geoWithin" : {
"$centerSphere" : [[ 14.4321, -9.4321], 2.5232135647961246e-05]
}}, {'location':{
"$geoWithin" : {
"$centerSphere" : [[ 14.4321, -9.4321], 2.5232135647961246e-05]
}}, ...}
we could do :
$match: {'location':{
"$geoWithin" : {
"$centerSpheres" : [
[[ 14.4321, -9.4321], 2.5232135647961246e-05] ,
[[ 14.4321, -9.4321], 2.5232135647961246e-05],
]} }}
1 vote -
$populate stage
Please provide a $populate stage that allows to resolve single referenced documents.
Internally it could use the combination of $lookup and $unwind:Related:
1 vote -
Allow configuration of 100mb memory limit per aggregation pipeline stage
In this old thread from 2016 (!topic/mongodb-user/LCeFZZRz5EY) it was asked whether there was a way to increase the 100mb in memory limit of each stage of an aggregation pipeline. The responses centered around two points:
- If too much memory is used per aggregation pipeline stage then it will reduce performance for the overall MongoDB database, impacting other queries negatively.
- You can set allowDiskUse: true and revert to performing these pipeline stages on disk when they exceed 100mb.
I believe this subject needs to be revisited for the following reasons:
- “Too much memory” is very subjective, and the 100mb…
30 votes
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