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  1. Document scoped RBAC - Permission for collection document fields

    Roles and accesses can be defined on the basis of collections that define roles for users.
    It would be nice if these access permissions could be made within the scope of the fields under the collection and the query results would be returned accordingly.


    privileges: [
    { resource: { db: "users", collection: "user" }, actions: [ "find"] },


    { resource: { db: "users", collection: "user", field: "email" }, actions: [ "find"] },

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  2. Improve the mongo query language

    Sometimes I find Mongo query language as not put very well together, sometimes it feels like a patch job. It would be nice, if you could make you query language easier to reason about. It would be awesome, if you could introduce fluent style api builder instead of building bson documents.

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  3. Add functionality to specify the readConcern level at db.collection.findOne()

    Add functionality to specify the readConcern at db.collection.findOne(). At the version 5.0.14 it's not supported.

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  4. Add hash function (eg. md5) to aggregation pipeline

    I would like to implement hash-based sharding in my own application on top of MongoDB. For that purpose, I would like to pull a stable pseudorandom subset of documents into each of my servers, and I would like to do so without enlarging the documents by adding additional fields, and without using JavaScript in the aggregation pipeline (for performance reasons).

    The idea: add a hash function, such as md5, to aggregation pipelines. The function would accept an object/array containing the data to be hashed, and would return the hash, ideally as a number.

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  5. $currentDate option to only update if the document was modified

    A common pattern in a data model is to have a field that denotes when the data was last modified. For this example, let this field be called "updated". I want to toggle a field on a document called "enabled", and if the value is modified I also want to update the "updated" field.

    This behavior is possible right now via a comment shown in SERVER-42084, but ONLY if we include the entire document, which is not acceptable when you only want to modify a single field. This document could have other fields that are numeric and are updated atomically,…

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  6. `$getField` to work with a dynamic `field`

    Currently $getField works only when field resolves at query-compile-time to a string. It would be nice if it worked also when field resolves to a string at runtime.

    See this Jira ticket -

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  7. Support expressions in $densify range bounds

    The $densify aggregation pipeline stage seems unable to evaluate range bounds expressions, requiring the range bounds to be constant.

    See the following example (the collection testcoll contains a single documents with only the _id field):

    sometestdb> db.testcoll.aggregate([{$addFields: {a: 1}}, {$densify: {field: "a", range: {bounds: [0, 5], step: 1}}}])
      { a: 0 },
      { _id: ObjectId("6284a16d64553eaf74b1e189"), a: 1 },
      { a: 2 },
      { a: 3 },
      { a: 4 }
    sometestdb> db.testcoll.aggregate([{$addFields: {a: 1}}, {$densify: {field: "a", range: {bounds: [{$toInt: "0"}, 5], step: 1}}}])
    MongoServerError: A bounding array must be an ascending array of either two dates or
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  8. Need an array query operator like elem match which matches all array nested object instead of at least one array element

    as per documentation elem match query matches at least one match in array of nested object,
    same we need a array query operator which returns the whole document only if elem match like criteria matches all elements in array of nested objects.
    I have gone through usecase of $all with $elemMatch but it behaviour different it is like $and with $elemMatch instead excepted behaviour i am asking or excepting mentioned earlier.

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  9. hint support for $graphLookup

    Currently you can supply a hint to the aggregation call in order to tell MongoDB to use a specific index for the initial $match. But there is currently no way to specify which index to use for a $graphLookup later in the pipeline.

    I would like an optional hint property on the $graphLookup stage.

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  10. Raise the limit of 16 MB JSON between aggregation stages

    When doing analytics, the 16 MB JSON limit between aggregation stages restricts the ability to process large amount of data. allowDiskUse does not help with all the various $operators and stages that we use. See ticket 00774514 for details.

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  11. Make redundant createView() a no-op

    If I call createView() with params that match an existing view (in name and all other attributes), it returns an error. It'd be more convenient if the call simply succeeded without doing any work. The behavior I propose is analogous to the way that createIndex() behaves. With the current behavior my only choices are to (1) unconditionally drop and recreate the view, or (2) read the current view definition and see whether it matches the definition I want. The first choice is unacceptable because for a period of time (albeit a short one) the view won't exist and queries that…

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  12. Allow Dynamic Object In $project and $addFields

    Assume I have a field mapping defined in some configuration collection of my application. And this field mapping varies for different clients on my application.

    I would like to pass the dynamic object in my $project or $addFields stage


    $project: {
    {$arrayToObject: "$field_mapping"},

    {$arrayToObject: "$field_mapping"} would return something like

    "email" : "$data.Email",
    "phone" : "$data.Phone,
    "firstname" : "$data.FirstName",
    name" : "$data.LastName",
    "preferredchannel" : "$data.Channel",
    language" : "$data.LanguageCode",
    "emailchannel" : "$data.Email",
    channel" : "$data.SMS",
    "province" : "$data.CustomerState"

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  13. Create operators that support Centrality Algorithms use cases

    Degree Centrality
    Closeness Centrality
    Harmonic Centrality
    Betweenness Centrality
    Eigenvector Centrality

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  14. Add a $sample accumulator operator

    So that it's easier to sample a number of items from each group, instead of writing lengthy DSL like this:

    Ideally it can be expressed like this:

    $group: {
    _id: '$year',
    samples: { $sample: 100 },

    Hence making sampling 100 items from each group a snap to achieve!

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  15. kNN Searches with MongoDB

    Dear MongoDB team,
    The possibility for kNN searches within a collection would be a real game changer. Not only in machine learning, but also in other areas you need this query method to find similar structures.
    Practically, it could go in the same direction as text searches. So that you have to create an index that you can also query similarly and then sort according to the score.

    I speak from my own suffering, as I had to switch from MongoDB to Open-/Elasticsearch for my current project, as they are also non-relational databases but support kNN searches. However, I like…

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  16. Add option to $dayOfWeek to choose between Monday and Sunday


    I was wondering if you could add an optional parameter to $dayOfWeek that allows you to choose on which day you want the functionality to start counting.


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  17. Add regex support in pipeline operator `replaceAll`

    It would be very nice to have something like this possible:

    { $replaceAll:
       { input: "$text", find: "/[;,.]/g", replacement: "." }

    Many thanks !

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  18. Provide straightforward syntax for 1-to-1 joins in aggregation

    The syntax for joins that bring back multiple documents from foreign collections is very straightforward and yields exactly what one would expect, but simple joins that are bread and butter in SQL require very convoluted and expensive to run syntax.

    Consider a product database that has products, categories and reviews collections. Each product has a unique category and may have multiple reviews. Getting all reviews in an aggregation is very straightforward (top stage), but getting categories, similar to SQL, is as convoluted as it gets (bottom stage).

        // Document aggregates naturally aggregate foreign documents
        // into
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  19. geoContain

    Dear all,
    according to the attached image, I have some documents (in blue, with id from 1 to 5) having a geographic extent and a search area (in yellow).
    I need to find all documents where search area is completly inside the document's geometry.
    Using different words, I need to find all documents where geometry completly covers the given search area.
    In my sample, the geo query should return the document with id 1.
    This kind of query has a opposite logic than the $geoWithin

    Could you provide a $geoContain functionality in the next future?

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  20. support $lookup for update aggregation

    We frequently denormalise either full documents or subsets to different documents in order to speed up reading, create indexes or paginate/sort on fields.

    Consider a user collection and a task collection, if a task can be assigned to the user, it makes sense to just put the user document on the task they are assigned. But an update to a user now requires you to update the user both in the user collection and all tasks with that user in the tasks collection.

    This can be achieved but does introduce some complexity, however the introduction of updates using aggregation pipelines…

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