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483 results found
in profile tab, there are only keysexamined, nreturned we can see.
If we have "docsexamined" , it would be good to check whether the queries are well tuned or not at first glance.1 vote -
Derisk cluster changes that cause restarts
Problem statement:
Some configuration changes cause rolling restarts of the cluster (e.g. audit filter, enabling x509 auth). It is not immediately obvious which changes will cause restarts and for a big cluster, this is a huge hit to performance due to cold caches.Ideas:
1. Block planner changes which would cause restarts until maintenance window (maybe with an opt-in for this, + notification that the config change is blocked)
2. Throttle replica set restarts, allowing time for the cache to be warmed on secondaries (would require mirrored reads in 4.4 to be effective)
3. Properly document what changes will cause…2 votes -
Delete one (last)endpoint deletes private endpoint service
If no further endpoint is associated with Private endpoint service, making a call to api resource will delete the endpoint as well as service.
1 vote -
Add Atlas users to existing teams even though the Atlas user is still pending invite
Currently when we send invite emails for the organization we have to wait for the users to accept the invite before we are able to configure project level permissions. This often creates confusion and bad user experience; when users first sign in they are anticipating to see their projects but instead they see nothing until configuration is finalized.
Please make it possible to add users to teams which are still pending invite acceptance so the user experience is more seamless and less confusing.
8 votes -
Add date added and date updated to Network Access IP table
The network access table should have a way to see the date an IP was added and if/when is was last updated. This will give better insight and control over company users add and maintain their IPs when only whitelisted access is allowed.
1 vote -
Transactions support for Merge operation in aggregation pipeline
Hi Team,
can we consider supporting the transactions when we use $merge stage in mongodb aggregation pipeline? have a requirement where we need to use the merge stage in pipeline and we would like to ensure automaticity in the transaction.
The aggregation pipeline we are building can merge multiple documents into the same collection and we would like to have either all or none by using transactions and the current merge operation cant support it.
thank you
5 votes -
Unpause Cluster for X Duration
Allow customers to specify the duration they wish the unpause the cluster before Atlas will automatically re-pause the cluster. Namely for use cases where development / testing is going to commence and customer wishes to ensure cluster is paused again to reduce Atlas spend.
Example: QA Tester is performing Atlas testing and wishes to unpause cluster, but only for the next 10 hours
Current Atlas Control Plane: "Pause Cluster"
Future Atlas Control Plane: "Pause Cluster for __ minutes (or hours)"
This is similar to how customers can create temporary database users that are only active for X number of hours.…
1 vote -
rolling maintenance for replicasets
Similar to the process outlined in this doc for index builds
It would be beneficial if the same process can be allowed in Atlas for running database maintenance processes such as dropping large databases that are no longer needed or to purge out old data using this method without impacting the primary.
Bulk Data can be purge out easier using the rolling maintenance method for example when implementing TTL index. If prior to implementing TTL index there is a lot of data to purge out that meets the TTL index criteria, this can be done prior to creating the…
1 vote -
Add a simple log filter in the Atlas log API call
In the Atlas log API call, add a new Request Query Parameter which allow people to set a phase or string, to avoid downloading log lines including this phase or string.
So people don't have to download large quantity of log messages that they don't need.
For example the the NETWORK log message between replica-set members.
3 votes -
Support for programming languages other than Javascript in Atlas Realm
By supporting programming languages other than Javascript in Atlas Realm, we would be able to cater to a wider group of developers. There is some work in this area that we can leverage - Google's J2CL transpiler for Java, Ruby's Opal transpiler...
1 vote -
Improve handling of ROLLBACK state
Recently we had a member of a replica set in a sharded cluster enter
state. We just happened to notice it in an automated email sent by Atlas about primary elections which showed one of the members inROLLBACK
state.Fortunately for us the writes which had been reverted were not critical and we were fine with that. However, this could have resulted in serious data loss which could have gone unnoticed until a customer reached out to us.
The handling of a situation like this one should have been much better and more user friendly. We should have…
3 votes -
Fix Database Access Modal Bugs
When adding user in Database Access if you try to highlight text in lets say the username area and release the click of the selection outside of the modal, it will close it and reset the data. This is extremely annoying. And makes it hard while doing simple copy pasting since you need to start over after it closes
Also when you
Grant specific privileges
for a user, it wipes the username and password you already setup.These simple fixes would really improve the user management worflow.
1 vote -
Access key expiration date
We would like to have option set expiration date time while creating API access keys and also ability to check expiration options through API.
3 votes -
BI connector Schema Refresh
Based on our recent experience with BI connector refresh , we had to bump the sample size to 15000 recently. This contributed to a longer outage on our real-time dashboard reporting. It took more than an hour for the schema refresh to complete. We are hoping in future we can add couple features to Mongo Atlas :
1) when BI connector refresh runs it would consider documents based on the last update time in the sample, so we can bring down the volume of sample considered and reduce the down time.
2) Enable BI connector schema refresh at a collection…1 vote -
Option To Disable Auto Upgrades
Would be great if we could disable the auto upgrades/updates of clusters. I.e., stop auto upgrade of cluster running 4.4.6 to 4.4.7.
1 vote -
Preserve Oplog upon storage downgrade in Azure
Oplog was wiped out upon storage downgrade from 128Gb -> 16Gb, even though the database size incl. oplog was less than 2-3Gb.
Please change the downgrade procedure to NOT wipe out the oplog.
This was tested/experienced on Azure.
3 votes -
1 vote
Permit setting a default collation at the project level, to apply to all collections etc within the databases it contains.
Currently the highest level that collation can be set is at collection creation, and it is inherited then for any indexes created on that collection and by commands like find() that run against it.
But it would be nice to be able to specify a default collation at the database level, or even the Atlas Project level, to apply to all collections in all databases therein, howsoever created.
2 votes -
Atlas UI deliver on Electron app
Deliver Atlas UI as an electron app to be like an IDE and improve developers, data engineer, data scientist experience to work on a tool like VScode, IntelliJ, etc.
1 vote -
1 vote
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