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55 results found

  1. Allow Management of Identity Providers through Terraform

    The necessary API endpoints appear to exist, it would be great to expose them in the Terraform provider for Atlas to avoid having a split between Infrastructure-as-Code and having to browse the web interface.

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  2. Terraform integration to manage project's API keys

    Hello team,

    we're still missing the capability to create project's API keys via terraform and have to deal with some python scripts to automatically provision new keys in dynamic way(when new projects come up).

    I know this question has been already asked and your idea is to use Vault, but probably it's not good idea to install this heavy tool for the single application...and we can't use Vault in dynamic way because it doesn't contain 'MongodbAtlas Secret Engine' available via terraform provider.

    Please consider to add possibility of creation API keys via terraform and let us decide whether it's security…

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  3. Ability to create GovCloud projects

    Need ability to "Designate as a Gov Cloud regions-only project" when creating projects in order to allow subsequently creating clusters in Gov Cloud regions

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  4. Create Snapshot Export Bucket using Terraform

    Create Snapshot Export Bucket using Terraform- required to export Snapshots to S3.
    Implement the following API call by the provider:
    POST /groups/{GROUP-ID}/backup/exportBuckets

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  5. Backup Snapshot datasource and Restore Job resource and datasource for Shared clusters

    The following resources/datasources work only for dedicated clusters (M10 and above).


    This is because they call the /backup/snapshots and
    /backup/restoreJobs Atlas API endpoints respectively.

    There are different API endpoint for shared-tier clusters (M2/M5):

    Would it be possible to have new equivalent datasources/resources for shared-tier clusters or modify the existing datasources/resources to accommodate shared-tier clusters?

    Thanks in advance.

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    completed  ·  Zuhair responded

    Released as part of v1.11.0, try today and thank you for all the feedback!

  6. Allow to create/manage Private Endpoints for Data Lake / Online Archive

    There's an API for these resources, but Terraform Provider lacks support of them:

    This would be useful for managing full cycle of Network access to Data Lakes

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  7. Allow editing default project alerts via terraform

    For instance, the default Query Targeting alert is set at a 1000:1 ratio. I would like to have the default alert set to 5000:1 for a project via terraform.

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  8. write concern terraform

    Allow configuring "defaultWriteConcern" using the terraform plugin.

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  9. Add possibility to invite api key(s) to newly created projects

    For different types of automation, api key(s) must be added to project(s). It would be helpful if it could be possible to add existing api key(s) to new projects using mongodbatlas\_project terraform resource, example:
    resource "mongodbatlas_project" "test" {
    name = "project-name"
    org_id = "<ORG\_ID>"

    teams {
    team_id = "5e0fa8c99ccf641c722fe645"
    role_names = ["GROUP_OWNER"]

    api_key {
    public_key = "xyzxyzxy"
    role_names = ["GROUP_READ_ONLY"]

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  10. Support multi-cloud

    Support multi-cloud as available in the Atlas UI

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Support the regions parameter of a network peering container

    In the API documentation you mention a regions parameter usable when creating a network container with a network smaller than /18. In terraform there is no such parameter. I would like to see that supported (for creating networks smaller than /18 on GCP).


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  14. Add resource to allow attachment of roles to mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access

    The need to do two applies to completely configure the mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access resource should have never seen the light of day. I would like to see an additional resource that could attach a role to a mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access after it has been created. Then you could use the attributes in the mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access resource to create the role, then attach the role to it using the access_role_attachment resource.

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  15. Add option to create project without alerts

    Currently a project is created with a set of default alerts. We need to customize these but we can only add new alerts via terraform. It would be helpful if there was a boolean flag in the mongodbatlas_project resource to disable default alert creation

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  16. Ability to create/update triggers using terraform

    Ability to create/update triggers using terraform

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  17. Possibility to change 'frequency_type' of snapshot backup policy item via Terraform


    I’m facing an issue about Snapshot Backup Policy creation/modification via Terraform ( FYI, I open a case to the support of MongoDB  Let me explain :

    When I want to create a MongoAtlas Cluster via terraform, I want to apply a custom Snahsphot Backup Policy with ONLY 2 items during the creation of the cluster :
    N° Item Frequency type Frequency Retention
    0 Daily 1 7 Days
    1 Weekly 1 (Saturday) 4 weeks

    However, during the creation of the mongo atlas cluster, I can see an error
    Error: Error applying plan:

    1 error occurred:
    * module.cluster…

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    The Cloud Backup policy has been completely reworked as of provider version 1.0.0, with a few more fixes in 1.0.1 (coming shortly). This should address the pain points that have been raised here and elsewhere.

  18. LDAP configuration using Terraform

    We would like to be able to use Terraform to configure LDAP authentication/authorization on projects.

    The functionality is available via the API:

    However, go-client-mongodb-atlas does not have these endpoints implemented, so that would need to be done before this functionality is included in the provider.

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  19. Mongodb 4.2 pit_enabled argument on mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_snapshot_restore_job

    While version 0.4.0 of the MongoDB Atlas Terraform provider did introduce the pitenabled argument on the mongodbatlascluster resource, it does not appear that the mongodbatlascloudprovidersnapshotrestore_job was updated to be able to restore from a point-in-time.

    Currently, the option is available in the Web UI but there is no way to automate it via Terraform scripts.

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  20. Enable the use of the timeouts { ... } block in resource declarations.

    Enable the use of the timeouts { ... } block in resource declarations. I consistently get a timeout error on destroy of resources:

    Error: error deleting MongoDB Private Endpoints Connection(5e4e93f3c0073240658e5b1f): timeout while waiting for state to become 'DELETED, FAILED' (last state: 'DELETING', timeout: 2m0s)

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    The timeout on this resource has been increased ( and since then we’ve seen no reports hitting the timeout before completion of the deletion. If this is encountered again please file an issue at letting us know what resource is hitting a timeout, what version of the provider and terraform you are using, and any relevant logs.

    Thank you!

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