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42 results found

  1. Create Atlas App Services and Link Them To Clusters with Terraform

    It would be great to create App Services (Realm Apps) and then create the service link to an Atlas Cluster with Terraform.

    This is so that Trigger resources can be created fully within Terraform, rather than having to hack together API calls, CLI commands or manual steps.

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  2. Adding indexes(Not search index) using terraform

    I would like to create mongodb atlas index using terraform. But as of now we can able to create search index in mongodb atlas using terraform. here the expectation is to create normal index using terraform.

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  3. Add Terraform resource for functions

    Would be great to have a terraform resource like mongodbatlas_function.
    Was mentioned here but I didn't find the idea mentioned there, so I added this one here.

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  4. A way to enable the Data API via Terraform

    I just noticed that MongoDB Data API is no longer in beta (Congrats!). It think it would be quite useful if the there was a way to enable this option programmatically via Terraform.

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  5. Add Teams to a Project

    Allow to add a team to a project and set roles.
    Split the creation of the project and the role assignment.
    Based on the API:

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  6. Terraform support for Database Triggers using Function events

    The Database Triggers resource supports only EventBridge right now. It would be awesome to see support for Function events as well

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    Hi we working to enhance the the use of Triggers and Functions in Terraform, but this effort still several quarters away. Feel free to reach on in the interim in case of any questions and happy to help. 

  7. Support Slack in Third Party Integration

    Slack is supported via UI or API, but not via the Terraform Provider (v1.3.1).

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  8. Make the app_id optional in the mongodbatlas_event_trigger resource when an aws_eventbridge event processor is defined

    Currently, when you define a trigger that uses the AWS Eventbridge via the UI it auto creates a realm App that links the DB change to the event bridge.

    However, with the mongodbatlaseventtrigger resource you have to manually defined an empty realm app and give the resource the app_id of that empty app.

    This is obviously not a 100% automated process.

    This could be, if the provider created the empty realm app by itself, then referencing the created app app_id.

    This would only be needed:
    1. when the appid is not provided
    2. the following attribute was

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  9. Add support for profile configuration file in the Terraform provider

    To be able to quickly change which account we use for the Terraform provider without having the keys in the terraform variables, supporting profile config file like what aws does for it's provider would be a great help for us.

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  10. mongodbatlas_cloud_backup_snapshot_restore_job should wait until the restore operation is complete

    mongodbatlascloudbackupsnapshotrestorejob creates a job and returns immediately , but I think it should wait until the restore operation is complete. just like mongodbatlascluster that waits until the cluster is in ready state.

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  11. Allow setting of advanced server parameters such as disable flow control, ttlMonitor and redactClientLogData

    For some more advanced/demanding use cases, advanced server parameters are key to provide the performance/latency or security that applications will require, either due to contractual or complaince obligations.

    FlowControl throttles writes for consistency sake, but for very low latency use cases it becomes a factor for "perceived" client SLO breach. In such particular scenarios, the cost consistent across all replicas is higher than low latency reply.

    redactClientLogData is important to ensure complaince with several sectors such has identity management.

    TTL monitor should be able to be controled via API call to better manage the migrations between self-managed clusters and Atlas.

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  12. Add Terraform support for Realm Apps

    Realm Apps ( can't be managed via Terraform. This would be a great addition to the provider!

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  13. Allow provider-level configuration for project in Atlas terraform provider

    For the provider-level configuration, would be nice to be able to set the project at provider level vs. having to provide it at resource level.

    Currently, it doesn't seem that the provider accepts a project argument.

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  14. Support ISRG certificate selection in mongodbatlas_cluster

    As described in and a recent email announcement, the root certificate is changing. Changing the cert used is available in the UI, but not in the provider.

    It would be useful to add support for certificate selection.

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  15. For resource mongodbatlas_cluster all properties related to provider move to separate block

    Current resource

    resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "cluster" {
      project_id   = var.project_id
      name         = var.cluster_name
      disk_size_gb = var.disk_size_gb
      num_shards   = var.num_shards
      replication_factor           = var.replication_factor
      auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled = var.auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled
      mongo_db_major_version       = var.mongo_db_major_version
      //Provider Settings "block"
      provider_name               = var.provider_name
      provider_disk_iops          = var.provider_disk_iops
      provider_volume_type        = var.provider_volume_type
      provider_instance_size_name = var.provider_instance_size_name
      provider_region_name        = var.provider_region_name
      provider_backup_enabled      = var.provider_backup_enabled

    Suggested resource

    resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "cluster" {
      project_id   = var.project_id
      name         = var.cluster_name
      disk_size_gb = var.disk_size_gb
      num_shards   = var.num_shards
      replication_factor           = var.replication_factor
      auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled = var.auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled
      mongo_db_major_version       = var.mongo_db_major_version
      //Provider Settings "block"
      cluster_provider = {
        name               = var.provider_name
        disk_iops          = var.provider_disk_iops
        volume_type        = var.provider_volume_type
        instance_size_name = var.provider_instance_size_name
        region_name        = var.provider_region_name
        backup_enabled     = var.provider_backup_enabled
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  16. Attach a newly created Trigger to an existing AWS Event Bridge Bus via Terraform.

    Attach a newly created Trigger to an existing AWS Event Bridge Bus via Terraform.

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  17. Ideally migration of terraform state should be handled or provide a tool for migrating state

    We initially rolled out all our clusters with mongo atlas terraform provider version 0.7.0. Since we hadn't pinned the version, we started seeing warning listed below in the terraform plan.

    Updating as indicated based on the warning means, a deletion and recreation of the private endpoint/link related resources which will lead to downtime as the cluster will be inaccessible while the private endpoint/link is being recreated.

    Ideally migration of terraform state should be handled or provide a tool for migrating state so the resource can be migrated without recreation.


    There are warnings related to your configuration. If no…

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  18. The IPs of the newly created cluster should be in the terraform state directly

    We are trying to deploy a cluster in Azure using Terraform and then inspect the newly created cluster to get the hostnames and IP addresses. We need these IP Addresses so we update the Azure Firewall to allow the Azure Key Vault to communicate with the Atlas cluster. We are doing this test to enable encryption at rest with our own keys.

    We believe the IPs should be in the terraform state directly.

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  19. Indicate operation errors already in the plan phase

    This idea originates from my original bug report:

    Changing the name of an existing custom_db_role is currently not possible without ending in an error in the apply step. The plan for a name change currently indicates the replacement due to the name change:

    # module.versioner.mongodbatlas_custom_db_role.this must be replaced
    -/+ resource "mongodbatlas_custom_db_role" "this" {
        ~ id         = "someid" -> (known after apply)
            project_id = "5c860ed2a6f2396cd47f4785"
        ~ role_name  = "old_name" -> "newName" # forces replacement

    Applying this results in the following error:

    Error: error deleting custom db role (mongoversioner): DELETE 409 (request "Conflict") Deleting specified custom role would leave the…

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  20. Adding indexes using terraform

    Ability to add indexes after new clusters are created using Terraform and data has been loaded. It will help in more automation and auto recovery.

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