66 results found
Add an option for a "moving averages" trendline to scatter splots
I have data that doesn't follow a linear or polynominal shape and is more cyclical. I'd like to have another trend line type called "moving average" that plots the average of a window of data.
2 votes -
Moving Bubble charts
I'd like to see the ability within MongoDB charts to have moving bubble charts as my data is updated. Similar to
2 votes -
On Heatmaps can we have a logarithmic option on the Intensity 'axis' please?
On Heatmaps can we have a logarithmic option on the Intensity 'axis' please? I have heatmaps with a few very large counts that effectively cause the variation in the majority of smaller numbers to be obscured in the intensity representation. A logarithmic option would allow the smaller numbers to show more clearly. (It is hard to do this in the data source, as the count is being performed at chart level.)
1 vote -
Re-zero bar chart after clicking legend item on stacked bar chart
Being able to highlight an individual series by clicking on its name in the legend great! Having an option to allow it to display as an ordinary bar chart so the relative heights within that series can be compared would be even better.
3 votes -
Interactive Graph Visualization in Charts
MongoDB advertises that it can be used as a graph database. Sample article
The power of a graph database is in it's interactivity and visualization. There are many visualization tools from native graph database software such as Neo4j Browser or Neo4j Bloom. While MongoDB may be able to store graph database content, the missing link is the ability to visualize and interact with graph data. Requesting for Charts to add Graph chart types that can be used by developers and for end users to consume.
12 votes -
regex on filters
in the filters section in charts, filter string using regex
2 votes -
Average (trend) lines for a data series
I have many charts with series where the y-axis values (Revenue $$) bounce up and down along the x-axis (Date). At times, it's difficult to tell if the values are trending up or down. It would be nice to be able to configure a trendline that shows an average.
2 votes -
Add error bars to bar/line charts
I have a dataset containing measurements, along with errors - e.g.
value: 187.12,
error: 12.51
}It would be quite useful to be able to plot the error values on a line chart so that we can see the uncertainty as well as the measured value.
2 votes -
Allow colours to be defined by y-axis value range
Allow colours to be defined by y-axis value, rather than trying to reverse engineer into chart series (since the lines don't draw properly, as per pic). The one temperature line should be able to be shown as , eg, blue when too cold, orange when too warm, green 'just right'
2 votes -
Grouped Bar chart as percentage numbers
I have a bar chart which shows bars with numbers based on different types of products sold per month, like in Feb we have 3 bars for every product type being the quantities 57, 9, 167. I would like to show the percentages 24%, 3%, 71%
The math is the following:
count by value / Sum of all items * 100I'm using the (count by value) aggregator but that shows just the plain count
5 votes -
Set format for duration values for the Number chart
It'd be great to have the possibility to format numbers as duration values. For example:
I have a "Number" chart where I show the duration of some activity. I store this information as minutes and it'd help if I could select the format to show as h:m for example. I haven't found a way to use duration in a nicely formatted way as a simple indicator widget like the "number" one.
1 vote -
Locale formatting
In the tab 'Customize' you can (de-)activate the thousands separators,
The visual representation is in english locale, e.g. 1,000.00I would like to be able to change this to another locale. For german locale the number formatting should be 1.000,00
10 votes -
1 vote
Candle stick charts
Since continuous line charts do not allow iterating through more than 50k documents, it would be great to have simple option to merge/ aggregate data e.g., into candle sticks for time ranges (per day, per week etc.)
2 votes -
UUID fields are not getting parsed correctly
Charts does not seem to support UUID fields and applies some sort of string value to it that cannot be encoded into UTF-8.
That makes it very hard to ping what is the exact documents they are associated with if we use that field for grouping.1 vote -
Number Formatting
When we use a chart type column - grouped option, in Y-Axis we are showing different data types (amounts and numbers). We cannot use the custom number formatting because it applies in both of data types. We would like to have the ability to apply custom number formatting to each columns.
11 votes -
Possibility to create http link on text charts
I'd like to define an http link in table chart for a column.
Also, I'd like to use dynamic data (from the document) in the link.
9 votes -
Mongo Text Chart should have pagination based on certain criteria.
Mongo Text Chart should have pagination based on certain criteria such as if records are more than 50 [configurable] and per page size also should be configurable.
6 votes -
The ability to add a spider/radar chart
For our specific chart requirements (comparing different entities), it is imperative that we are able to plot the multivariate data in a spider chart.
I have read on the developer community that "...we are also planning a spider/radar chart in upcoming months." (dated 1 May 20) but since then I have been able to find any other reference wrt the realization for this feature.
1 vote -
Binning: Add bin "others" for outliers
Oftentimes there are outliers in the data I want do visualize (e.g. all data between value 1 and 10 but few very large values like 100). This makes e.g. bar charts unreadable when binning because I have to decide between large bin size (hiding details in the parts of the data which are most interesting) or having the bars squeezed until they are not readable anymore. It'd be perfect to decide an lower/upper limit when binning and to summarize values below/above as "others".
4 votes
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